hair care
Beauty Beauty Tips healthy living

How to care for your hair

Stress and bad ecology, unhealthy food, dyeing, frequent styling and curling (or straightening) of hair – all this leads to a deterioration in the condition of your curls. To make them healthy and shiny, it is important to remember the main thing: different hair requires different care. In this material, we will analyze the features of caring for all types of hair, tell you about the types of cosmetics for this purpose, consider common mistakes and give advice on everyday and seasonal care.

Regardless of your hair type (which will be discussed below), there are several universal rules for care that concern washing your hair, combing it, choosing the right accessories, drying your hair, cutting it, styling it, caring for it, and the quality of the food you eat.

General rules for hair care

Girl with well-groomed hair
  1. Wash your hair regularly. This is pretty obvious, but many people either wash their hair too often or too seldom. The frequency of washing should be the same, set it according to your hair type.
  2. Comb your hair correctly. You need to comb your hair not only in the morning, but also several times during the day, and also before washing your hair. You need to start from the ends: carefully and without sudden movements.
  3. Choose combs and hair ties correctly. They should not damage or pull out your locks.
  4. Do not wash your hair with very cold or very hot water. The optimal temperature is 36-37 degrees, this is just warm water. After washing, you can rinse your head with cool (but not ice-cold!) water.
  5. Gently massage your head while washing. This improves blood circulation.
  6. Don’t wrap your hair in a towel after washing. A turban disrupts the blood circulation of the scalp and prevents it from “breathing”.
  7. Do not comb wet hair. This leads to hair tearing and breakage.
  8. Allow your locks to dry naturally whenever possible. Minimize the use of a hair dryer, as hot air is harmful to hair.
  9. Do not neglect hair care products. And take care in stages: first shampoo, then conditioner, and then a mask or serum (not after each hair wash, but as needed), which nourish the hair and restore its structure. Important: if you have oily hair, apply the care product to ¾ of the length, avoiding the roots.
  10. Stop using dry shampoo all the time. Dry shampoo for hair is like wipes for removing makeup from your face, that is, it should be used only in extreme cases, for example, if you overslept and have an important meeting today.
  11. Use a professional hair dryer. Saving on a hair dryer means saving on the health of your hair. Don’t skimp on a hair dryer for professional styling: it is made in such a way as not to overdry the hair, and it also has ionization and several air supply modes. Expert advice: to create volume, throw strands from one side to the other and dry your hair upside down.
  12. Minimize the use of styling products. Gels, hairsprays, and mousses are all necessary for creating a festive look, but they should not be used in everyday life. It is recommended to wash off all styling products on the same day as makeup.
  13. Minimize chemical exposure to hair as much as possible. Chemical perms, bio-perms and other similar procedures are very harmful to hair, and it is also undesirable to lighten, highlight and dye your hair on a regular basis.
  14. Trim the ends regularly. This will make your hair healthier, give it the opportunity to grow, give it a beautiful appearance and shine. The curls will break and tangle less.
  15. Try to eat right. Hair, like skin, nails, eyelashes, etc., needs a complex of vitamins and minerals to stay healthy. Try to eat more foods containing vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, as well as vitamins E and C.

Types of hair care products

Types of hair care products

Shampoo is the king of hair care products. Its purpose is simple: cleansing. Shampoos for different hair types differ in composition, but their function is the same.

Conditioner (rinse-balm): facilitates combing, reduces static electricity, adds elasticity and shine.

Mask: a care product for restoring hair structure and giving it softness and shine. Should be used no more than 2 times a week, apply to clean damp hair for 10-20 minutes.

Serum (fluid): a product with a high concentration of nutrients that moisturize and restore curls.

Oils: usually contained in shampoos, but they can also be used in pure form. Burdock, olive, and castor oils are especially effective.

Scrub: A scalp treatment that removes dead skin cells and promotes hair growth and eliminates dandruff.

Hair care by hair type

Normal Hair Care

The girl has long hair

The main goal of caring for normal hair is not to spoil it. Wash your hair once every 2-3 days, let it dry naturally, use care products as needed, do not overuse a hair dryer and curling iron. Choose shampoo and conditioner marked “for normal hair” or without any markings at all. Such cleansers will not be overloaded with special components necessary for other hair types.

Caring for oily hair

Problematic oily hair

Oily hair causes many problems because it has a very short period of pollution. Care products for oily hair contain components that regulate the sebaceous glands and reduce sebum production. It is important to note that the fat on the scalp and hair is completely natural and has its functions, but its excess leads to problems such as dirt and dust accumulation, an untidy appearance and the risk of developing seborrheic dermatitis. Oiliness of hair and scalp cannot be “cured”, but it can be reduced. To achieve this, you should use a special shampoo marked “for oily hair”, wash your hair daily or every other day, drink more water and try to eat healthy food.

Dry Hair Care

Dry hair care

Dry hair is the complete opposite of oily hair. Shampoos for dry hair contain a high concentration of vitamins and oils that nourish and moisturize the curls and scalp. Dry hair should be washed once every 4-5 days with products labeled “for dry hair”. Such curls should be treated very carefully, it is not recommended to use a hair dryer, curling iron and styling products, as well as do a perm. For moisturizing, regularly use masks, serums and oils.

Caring for mixed hair

Mixed hair type

If you have problems with oily roots and dry ends, you have combination hair. To improve the condition of your locks, you should wash your hair every 2-3 days with shampoo labeled “for normal and mixed (combination) hair”, use moisturizing serums and masks, regularly trim the ends, minimize the use of a hair dryer, curling iron and styling products.

Care for thin hair

The girl has thin hair

Fine hair can be thick or thin, oily or dry – all this should be taken into account when caring for it, in addition to the fact that the curls are thin. Fine and porous hair is very demanding. All other things being equal, look for products “for volume” or “for thickening”. In care, avoid heavy restorative masks and serums, but buy a conditioner to create volume. Styling products should also be selected with the mark “for fine hair”, and a hair dryer and a round brush will help create additional volume.

Care for damaged and weakened hair

Girl examines broken hair

Weakened, dull, dry, split hair, damaged due to constant styling, coloring, stress and poor ecology is a fairly common problem for modern women and men. To restore hair, you should especially carefully select cleansing and care products. Give preference to professional shampoos and conditioners, make moisturizing and nourishing masks, refuse a hair dryer and styling sprays, as a last resort, when drying your hair with a hair dryer, be sure to use a heat-protective hair product.

By the way, here is an effective homemade recipe for an avocado mask for weak hair: mash the avocado to a thick consistency, add the egg white, one tablespoon of olive or coconut oil and one tablespoon of yogurt, mix all the ingredients until smooth. Spread the mask over the entire length and keep it for 30 minutes. Then rinse with cool water.

Caring for dull hair

Dull hair

It happens that healthy hair from childhood suddenly becomes dull. There can be many reasons (from ecology and stress to health problems), but the most common of them is excessive stress on the hair, frequent use of a hair dryer, curling irons and styling products. Proper care will help restore shine to your locks: nourishing masks, restorative serums and natural oils.

Care for colored hair

Girl with purple hair

Dyed hair requires special care. The main goal is to keep the color bright and rich for as long as possible. Here are some tips to help you with this:

  1. Use quality paint, or better yet, go to a salon for coloring. As a more gentle option, we recommend considering toning, during which the coloring pigments do not penetrate the hair structure, but remain on the surface.
  2. Use shampoos and conditioners labeled “for color-treated hair.”
  3. Touch up the roots, but not the entire length of the hair.
  4. Don’t neglect care: masks, serums and oils will help keep your hair healthy after coloring, which is not the most beneficial procedure.
  5. Immediately after coloring, you should be careful, as the pigment is fixed on the hair in the first couple of days: do not wash your hair during this period and do not use hair care products (they can wash out the color).
  6. After the color has set in your hair, it’s time for active care so that your hair doesn’t lose its strength and shine. Avoid styling for this time, and use masks to restore your curls.
  7. Try a folk method – vegetable oils: olive, coconut and almond are rich in vitamins E and F, which preserve color and nourish hair, burdock and castor oil give strength and shine, and wheat germ oil perfectly protects and strengthens curls.

Hair care for hair prone to hair loss

Hair loss

There are many reasons why hair weakens and begins to fall out:

External causes: unsuitable shampoo, frequent coloring, overuse of hair dryers, curling irons and styling products, sun exposure, high humidity and cold.

Internal causes: iron and vitamin D deficiency, hormonal problems, chronic stress, excess vitamin A, skin diseases (such as seborrheic dermatitis and psoriasis). It is also important to note the common phenomenon of hair loss after childbirth.

Hair loss is a serious problem, and we recommend that you do not self-medicate and consult a specialist. A trichologist will conduct a comprehensive examination, prescribe procedures and recommend specialized cleansing and care products against hair loss.

Curly Hair Care

Beautiful curly hair

Often, owners of curly and wavy hair envy people with straight hair, since straight hair is less demanding in care. This is true, but if you follow simple rules, you can seriously make life easier for yourself and your curls.

  1. Provide your locks with adequate nutrition, such as shampoos and conditioners with shea, jojoba, or macadamia oils.
  2. Curly (wavy) hair types are usually prone to dryness, so these locks need additional moisture.
  3. Use a wide-tooth comb: it will detangle your hair better, whereas a brush can make it frizzy.
  4. When styling curls, keep in mind that hot air will dry them out even more, so use a hair dryer with cold air.
  5. It is better to choose styling products marked “for curly hair”.
  6. Straightening irons are a serious test for your curls, so it is better to straighten your hair less often and be sure to use heat protection.

Long Hair Care

Long flowing hair

Growing hair is a lot of work. But it is no less difficult to keep this wealth beautiful and healthy. Long hair requires complex care, and all efforts to grow it are pointless if the curls are dry and dull, and even with split ends. Here are some tips on how to take care of long hair:

  1. Trim the ends regularly, especially pay attention to cutting with hot scissors: it has a cumulative effect.
  2. Use a quality shampoo and conditioner that will add volume to your hair, as the weight of long locks can often make them look a bit flat.
  3. Use specialized hair ends care products to moisturize them and prevent split ends.
  4. Be gentle with your hair: take your time to comb it, don’t rush and don’t tear your hair out in a hurry. And remember to choose the right comb!
  5. To collect your hair, use soft spiral elastic bands: they are much less damaging to your curls.

Caring for hair extensions

Hair extensions

Hair extensions are not the most useful, although very tempting procedure. The fact is that the hair follicle is designed to withstand the weight of your own hair. Artificial hair creates a constant additional load on the follicle and provokes hair loss, so it is extremely important to strengthen your own hair (in particular, use masks and serums) and follow the rules for caring for extended hair.

  1. It is better not to wash your hair for 24 hours after extensions so that the new strands can be successfully fixed to your hair.
  2. When washing your hair, apply shampoo and conditioner with light movements; you will have to forget about massage and scrubbing for a while.
  3. Using conditioner is now not just recommended, but mandatory, to make combing easier and avoid pulling out your extensions (and your own hair).
  4. Get your extensions corrected and removed on time, don’t try to do anything at home.
  5. Moisturize your hair with special care products: this will strengthen your own curls and improve the appearance of artificial ones.

Seasonal hair care

Warm season

Girl in summer time on the beach

Surprisingly, hair needs protection from the sun just like skin. Few people would dare to go to the beach without sunscreen, but many do not even know about protective products for hair. The mechanism of the sun’s effect on hair is as follows: UV rays penetrate the hair structure and damage the cells, which leads to their premature aging, and the hair becomes dry and brittle. Products for protecting hair from the sun can be divided into two categories: protection “here and now” and subsequent care. Protective hair sprays are applied together with SPF cream for the skin to save hair from the sun and reduce the effects of chlorinated and sea water. Special shampoos help eliminate the negative effects of being in the pool, at sea and on the beach. They wash away sea salt and chlorine from the hair and scalp, and also moisturize and nourish. You can fix the effect with restorative milk.

Cold season

Hair in the cold season

Rainy autumn, cold winter and spring, which only exists on the calendar (but not in reality), are hard times for your hair. The body lacks vitamins and fluids, and locks are damaged by cold, precipitation, temperature changes (cold air outside and warm in transport and rooms) and hats, which, on the one hand, protect from the cold, but on the other, stimulate the sebaceous glands of the scalp, promote the formation of static electricity and interfere with blood circulation if they are too tight around the head. Here are some tips on how to keep your hair healthy during the cold season:

  1. Carefully follow the rules for caring for your hair type, this is especially important during the cold season.
  2. Never go outside with wet hair, as freezing hair will simply cause it to break.
  3. Moisturize and nourish your curls with masks and serums.
  4. Give preference to headwear made from natural materials, such as a silk scarf or a cashmere hat.
  5. Trim the ends regularly, as they tend to split especially during the cold season.
  6. Drink more water.
  7. Do not wash your hair with hot water, despite the temptation to “warm up” your head.

Hair care during styling

Blonde hair styled

Our hair holds the shape it takes when it is frozen. This is the principle behind curling irons and tongs, which turn curls into straight hair or, conversely, curl locks. However, styling is a rather traumatic procedure for hair, which leads to dryness, split ends, loss of shine and brittleness. To reduce the negative effect of high temperatures and styling products, you should use heat protection. Do not stay in one place for too long: remember that it is better to under-expose than over-expose. In addition, give preference to styling tools with ceramic surfaces – they are more gentle. And finally, spray styling products at a safe distance, about 20-30 cm – this will prevent your curls from becoming heavier and sticking together.

How to properly care for hair for men?

Eyebrow color for blondes

Unfortunately, many men do not think at all about what to wash their hair with before they start losing their hair. They use soap, shower gels and shampoos from their mother, sister and girlfriend. However, men’s hair and scalp are somewhat different from women’s and, most importantly, men are much more susceptible to age-related baldness, so they should wash their hair with shampoos “for men”, and also carefully monitor their hair, do not neglect care products and, for preventive purposes, visit a trichologist at least once a year.

Androgenetic alopecia (or androgenic alopecia) is a “male” pattern of baldness, hanging over almost every man like the sword of Damocles. Signs of alopecia noticed in time will help to preserve your hair and avoid injections, transplants and other unpleasant and expensive procedures. Here are some tips that will help you keep your hair healthy and present: comb your hair before washing, choose products based on your hair type, gently massage your head while washing with warm or slightly cool water, use conditioner, apply moisturizing and nourishing masks and serums, do not comb wet hair, buy a high-quality comb that does not damage your hair, dry your hair with a hairdryer less often, eat products containing vitamins C, D, E and omega-3 fatty acids. You can choose hair care products in the section .

A man with a long, well-groomed beard

Healthy and strong hair can be used to create many cool hairstyles, and if you combine it with a stylish beard and moustache, you will get a brutal and cool image, for example, a Viking with long, casually styled hair and a thick beard. If your beard is growing poorly, we recommend trying the Beard Growth Activator, and for care and styling − Beard Wash Gel, Beard Conditioner Softener and Beard Care Oil. And you can read more about beard and moustache care in the article .

Man and woman

It doesn’t matter whether you are a girl or a boy, a young woman or a young man, a woman or a man, but it is important to take care of yourself and your hair. Wash your hair properly, comb it carefully, moisturize and nourish your locks, don’t get carried away with blow-drying and styling, drink enough water and vitamins, and your hair will delight you with health and beauty!

Sercan Can is a 22-year-old young adult living in Turkey. His life is shaped by his interest in the medical field and his passion for haircare. Sercan is considering embarking on a career in the medical field, aiming to specialize in healthcare. His desire to understand and address health-related issues guides him toward the medical field. However, haircare has become one of Sercan's personal interests. He places great importance on the health of his hair and aspires to have long and healthy locks. Being knowledgeable about haircare products, hair masks, and hair growth techniques occupies a significant place in Sercan's beauty routine. Sercan is exploring opportunities to combine his future medical career with his interests in hair health and beauty. By integrating his medical knowledge with haircare, he aims to help people achieve the best in both health and beauty aspects.

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