hair care

Mastering Hair Care: 8 Essential Rules for Healthier Locks

From time to time we experiment with the length of our hair, its color or style. And it doesn’t matter what texture it is – both light long hair and short dark locks need our attention. Has it ever happened that after testing 100500 different products in your daily care, there was no result, or it is not at all what you expect. I am sure that this situation is familiar to most of us. There may be several reasons, but most often it happens because we forget about the most obvious – the basics of hair care . In this article, I want to share with you 8 important tips that will help make your hair your calling card.

Skip the hot shower

A hot shower is a great way to relax, clear your head and wash away fatigue. However, hot water can seriously damage your hair, because it dries out your scalp and strips your hair of its natural oils, which ultimately causes dryness and brittleness , and makes your hair unruly and tangled . Therefore, I recommend washing your hair with warm water , and in order to close the hair cuticle, be sure to rinse it with room temperature water at the end (important – not cold!). It would seem that such an insignificant moment can seriously damage your hair and lead to deterioration of the scalp and even excessive hair loss. Therefore, when taking a shower, be sure to pay attention to the water temperature. 

Keep your hair accessories clean

A dirty comb or hairbrush is often the reason why your hair looks unfresh, gets greasy quickly or has an unpleasant smell. Therefore, it is important to take care not only of personal hygiene, but also of the cleanliness of hair care accessories : 

  • It is necessary to clean the comb or brush from hair residue daily;
  • You should not use other people’s hair accessories, because they are an excellent source of bacteria that can lead to scalp irritation and damage to the hair cuticles;
  • You should wash your comb/brush thoroughly once a week with warm water and soap, face wash or shampoo. Then let them dry naturally or blow dry them with a hairdryer at a low temperature;
  • Replace your hairbrush with a new one periodically – over time, its structure deteriorates and when used, this leads to hair damage. The brush should be soft, comb quickly and effectively, untangling the hair without pulling it out. 

We all use hair care products. And even if yours only consists of shampoo (I hope not ), a lot of residue from these products accumulates on hair accessories, hair dryers or curling irons. That is why, periodically clean all accessories and devices that come into contact with your hair and the result will not be long in coming. 

Regular haircut

Another step towards a neat and attractive hairstyle. And this is not only about aesthetics – if you want your hair to be healthy and well-groomed, you should regularly trim split and dry ends . How often you should visit a hairdresser depends on the type and length of your hair, but I recommend doing this at least once every 2-3 months . Even if your hair is in good condition, regular haircuts will only benefit it. 

The ends of our hair start to split from time to time, hair falls out and breaks off, and the hairstyle does not look very attractive. And if you dream of long and thick hair, you should not neglect regular haircuts, because damaged hair cuticles will not be able to protect your hair, but on the contrary, will peel off higher and higher, which will lead to deterioration of their condition . Therefore, the best solution is to trim the ends of the hair while the damage is minimal. 

And in order to keep your hair in excellent condition for as long as possible, strengthen it and protect the ends from unwanted injuries, you can add hair oils to your care . It is enough to rub 2-3 drops of oil in your palms and distribute evenly on your hair. But remember that they should be applied only to the ends. If you have long damaged hair, you can use the oil as much as possible up to the level of your ears. In no case apply it along the entire length and on the scalp, because in this way your hair will lose volume, and your hairstyle will look stale.

Avoid friction

The hair cuticle consists of keratinized cells, which in healthy hair should fit tightly together, forming the appropriate protection. When they are damaged, hair loses volume , becomes dull and brittle . And is improper care to blame for everything? No! Usually the reason for this condition of your hair can be associated with :

  • using too tight hair bands and hard hair accessories. The same applies to inelastic, worn-out hair bands, because they create extra stress for the hair, which can lead to breakage and even hair loss. If you love tightly gathered hair, then leave this hairstyle for special occasions. But in everyday life, try to use hair bands made of natural silk or cotton – they are much more gentle and do not leave creases in the hair. 
  • rubbing wet hair with a towel – such manipulations also have a negative effect on the condition of the hair, because, as in the previous case, the hair cuticle is damaged, as a result of which you get split ends and brittleness. It is enough to gently blot washed hair with a towel, wait a few minutes and dry. In the assortment of Cosibella you can find 
    towels and turbans made of gentle material that will not damage your hair. 
  • These simple but essential steps can really change the condition of your hair. All you need is a little patience and regularity.
  • Take care of your scalp 
  • It would seem, what does the scalp have to do with it? But healthy skin means a beautiful and shiny hairstyle. This is a very important stage of hair care, which most of us simply bypass. And in vain! After all, it takes no more than 15 minutes a week, and in return you will get healthy and strong hair from the very roots. 
  • So how do you take care of your scalp? I will share with you two important tips that will definitely benefit your hair. Care is certainly important in your daily routine, but you should not forget about regular exfoliation , which will help cleanse the scalp, remove all impurities and dead skin particles. Thanks to this, your hair will grow shiny, voluminous and strong. And these are far from all the benefits that you will get from using scalp exfoliation in your care

The second option is 
scalp massage . A fairly simple and effective way to strengthen and activate hair follicles, slow down 
excessive hair loss , improve blood circulation, gently exfoliate dead skin, and accelerate hair growth. To do this, you can use a special 
scalp massage brush , a large selection of which is on the shelves of Cosibella. They are made of waterproof material, so they can be easily used while bathing. In addition, using a scalp massage brush improves the penetration of active cosmetic components and increases their effectiveness. 

Don’t sleep with wet hair

Hair is very fragile when it’s wet, which means it’s important to treat it with care. When you toss and turn in your sleep, strands can get tangled and damaged — especially if they’re wet. Always dry your hair completely before bed , or better yet, loosely gather it into a bun, without squeezing it too tightly with an elastic band, or braid it into a loose braid if your hair is long enough.  

You shouldn’t go to bed even with barely damp hair, because it has a negative effect on the roots, leads to loss of volume and creases. Moreover, it is possible that dandruff will appear, which is much more difficult to deal with. 

Take care of your hair in advance so that you don’t have to worry about your hair looking unfresh in the morning. Let your hair be your pride, not a reason for a bad mood.

Minimum resources, maximum benefits

Don’t overload your hair! What do I mean when I say this? First of all, I’m talking about various hair styling products. Gels, mousses, hairsprays, fixing pastes and styling creams – of course, you can’t do without them, but I’m not telling you to give them up completely. You should understand that daily application of fixing products to your hair can damage the hair cuticle, lead to brittleness, dryness, rapid hair contamination and accumulation of product residues on the scalp. As the owner of porous unruly hair , I know how difficult it can be to achieve the perfect hairstyle. However, having chosen the right hair care , I return to styling products only on special occasions. 

And it’s not just overusing styling products that can damage your hair. You also need to make sure your hair care routine is as beneficial as possible:

  • periodically change cosmetic products, such as masks, peels, hair oils – do not try to use the same product constantly, even if it works great. After all, our hair, like the scalp, gets used to the product formula and over time its effect is no longer as effective;
  • try to choose shampoos that, in addition to cleansing, also take care of the scalp;
  • Give your hair a SPA treatment 1-2 times a week — apply a moisturizing, nourishing or strengthening mask (according to your hair needs), wrap your hair in a shower cap and put on a turban or towel over it. While the mask is working, listen to your favorite podcast, read a book or spend time talking with your family. Afterwards — be sure to wash your hair. You can read how to do it correctly in our article on this topic.

Give your hair a kind of diet – use only those products that contain active ingredients that can improve their condition and appearance. Don’t waste money looking for that “miracle product” that will save your hair after the first application. Just contact our cosmetologists and they will help you choose a comprehensive hair care that will suit you.

Say NO to high temperature

I have already told you about the negative effects of hot water on hair, but high temperatures can be just as harmful. Daily use of curling irons and hair straighteners will definitely not give you the desired result. Yes, your hair will look great today, but what will happen to your hair in a month? Try not to overuse such devices and use them no more than once a week. At the same time, make sure that they have an adjustable temperature mode – this will allow you to choose and change the temperature according to your hair type. 

And the most important thing to always remember is that before using, you must apply a heat protectant to your hair to protect it from damage. Sprays containing silicone and keratin components in their formula will protect the hair cuticle and make your hair more resistant to thermal damage. 

Sercan Can is a 22-year-old young adult living in Turkey. His life is shaped by his interest in the medical field and his passion for haircare. Sercan is considering embarking on a career in the medical field, aiming to specialize in healthcare. His desire to understand and address health-related issues guides him toward the medical field. However, haircare has become one of Sercan's personal interests. He places great importance on the health of his hair and aspires to have long and healthy locks. Being knowledgeable about haircare products, hair masks, and hair growth techniques occupies a significant place in Sercan's beauty routine. Sercan is exploring opportunities to combine his future medical career with his interests in hair health and beauty. By integrating his medical knowledge with haircare, he aims to help people achieve the best in both health and beauty aspects.

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