hair care
Beauty hair healthy living Lifestyle

Find out right now how to take care of your hair at home!

Did you know that a beauty salon isn’t the only place to take care of your hair ? Well, there are ways to take care of your hair at home, in a practical and inexpensive way. You can do it in your free time or on the weekend and turn the task into a pleasurable habit.

In addition to the feeling of taking good care of yourself and your self-esteem, you can combine self-care with other practices. How about doing a moisturizing mask while listening to your favorite music or creating a spa day to relax? In addition to more beautiful hair, you will take better care of your mental health .

Want to know how to take care of your hair at home without spending a lot ? Keep reading and discover the tips I have put together!

hair care
hair care

Make a hair schedule

Our hair needs several types of nutrients and active ingredients. It’s more or less like our diet , as we need several vitamins and minerals for our bodies to stay healthy.

To provide your hair with everything it needs, it’s worth using a hair schedule . It works like a “calendar” of treatments with different objectives. By alternating them, you provide everything your hair needs at each moment.

The three main goals of a hair care routine are hydration, nutrition and reconstruction . Throughout the month, it is important to wash your hair with all of these goals in mind. It is also important to alternate the order during the weeks.

Sounds complicated? Don’t worry! You can find several ready-made schedules and even apps that recommend the right treatment for each day. So, just check before you get in the shower and apply the right products for each moment . This will help make your hair more hydrated, strong and healthy!

Use products suitable for your hair type

Since the goal is to take care of your hair at home, I recommend buying some essential hair products . In addition to shampoo and conditioner, it is important to have treatment masks (for the hair schedule), finishing products and heat protectors.

Additionally, it may be worth using styling products, such as curl activators or anti-frizz formulas , for example. It all depends on your goals and your hair.

Speaking of which, it’s essential to choose products that are suitable for your specific hair type . If you have curly or frizzy hair, it’s essential to focus on products that enhance your curls. If you have wavy or straight hair, there are several formulas that can help you achieve the perfect look.

If you have colored hair or use chemical substances, you will need to take extra care to maintain the color or to rebuild the hair structure. Therefore, evaluate the shape of your hair and its characteristics, such as thin, brittle, thick or frizzy hair . This way, you will be able to choose the best formulas that will help you with your care.

Take care of your scalp

It’s not just your hair that needs care, you know? To have beautiful, healthy hair, it’s also essential to pay attention to your scalp . One of the most important habits to have for this area is exfoliation.

Do you know when your skin gets acne and exfoliating your face helps to unclog your pores? It happens in a similar way to the scalp. After all, exfoliation allows you to remove the dead cells that accumulate on the surface and clog your pores.

So, once a week, it is worth exfoliating your scalp. This will help your hair grow stronger and prevent hair loss .

Also, my tip is not to use your nails to rub this sensitive area , okay? This way, you avoid injuries and ensure a more beautiful appearance. This can boost your self-esteem and even improve your mental health .

Wash your hair with cold or warm water

A warm shower may seem tempting, especially in winter. However, hot water is not good for your skin or your hair . Taking hot showers can dry out your hair and even make it frizzy .

Furthermore, your scalp may perceive the habit as an aggression and produce more oil than normal. That’s not what you want, is it? That’s why it’s recommended to use cold or lukewarm water . That way, you can wash your hair without damaging it.

Don’t sleep with wet or damp hair

Another common habit is to sleep after washing your hair or when it is not completely dry. However, if you want to know how to take care of your hair at home, it is essential to avoid this practice.

Ideally, you should dry your hair completely before tying it up or even sleeping on it . Otherwise, the main effect you will suffer is the loss of hair strength, which can increase hair loss. In addition, your scalp can suffer from humidity and develop dandruff, allergies and even infections. It’s best to avoid problems like these, right?

So, dry your hair completely before going to bed, even if it’s just for a quick nap. If you need to use a blow dryer, apply a heat protectant and don’t use a very high temperature. Once you’ve removed any remaining moisture, you can sleep soundly!

Cut your hair every 3 months

Even if your intention is to have really long hair, it is not recommended to avoid using scissors. This happens because the ends are among the most fragile areas of the hair and do not always receive all the nutrients and oil that they need. As a result, split ends start to appear over time.

These elements can make your hair look less beautiful and healthy. Therefore, the tip is to cut your hair every 3 months , even if it’s just to trim the ends. You’ll notice that this way, your locks will always be beautiful and look well-groomed.

When it comes to cutting your hair, it’s best to look for a trusted hairdresser . However, if you just want to trim the ends at home, choose professional-grade scissors that are sharp — otherwise, the result may not be what you expect.

With these tips, you will learn how to take care of your hair at home , which can result in much more beautiful hair. On top of that, you can take the opportunity to relax and have some time just for yourself!

Sercan Can is a 22-year-old young adult living in Turkey. His life is shaped by his interest in the medical field and his passion for haircare. Sercan is considering embarking on a career in the medical field, aiming to specialize in healthcare. His desire to understand and address health-related issues guides him toward the medical field. However, haircare has become one of Sercan's personal interests. He places great importance on the health of his hair and aspires to have long and healthy locks. Being knowledgeable about haircare products, hair masks, and hair growth techniques occupies a significant place in Sercan's beauty routine. Sercan is exploring opportunities to combine his future medical career with his interests in hair health and beauty. By integrating his medical knowledge with haircare, he aims to help people achieve the best in both health and beauty aspects.

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