hair care

Dry hair: causes and care secrets

We all face various hair care problems from time to time. Some suffer from hair loss, others are bothered by split ends and brittleness. However, the root cause of most hair problems is dryness. And if you do not fight it in time, it can lead to a number of other problems associated with hair and scalp. But do not worry! In this article, I will tell you about the main causes of dry hair and secrets that will help restore your locks to shine and a healthy look. Read on and see for yourself that moisturizing and restoring dry hair at home is not at all difficult.

Dry hair – causes and main signs 

Dryness and brittleness are two of the most common problems that plague our hair. And although at first glance it seems that it is only about the aesthetic appearance, in reality dry hair can significantly affect our well-being and self-esteem. Imagine what it is like to wake up every morning, look in the mirror and see that instead of shining and radiating health, your hair is tangled, dull and unpleasant to the touch. And even if the situation is familiar to you, do not rush to get upset, because further I will tell you how to save dry hair. But first, let’s determine what causes this condition.

Why is my hair dry?

There are many different reasons why your hair may become dry, dull and brittle, but they all come down to a common denominator – the loss of moisture and natural oils as a result of damage to the hair cuticle . And it’s not just external factors that can rob your hair of its healthy shine and moisture – often the cause must be sought deeper. The most common “culprits” of dry hair are:

  • inappropriate temperature when washing your hair;
  • hair styling using high heat;
  • frequent visits to the sauna and swimming pool;
  • not drinking enough water;
  • chronic stress;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • frequent hair coloring;
  • age-related changes;
  • use of overly aggressive cosmetics;
  • alcohol and cigarette abuse.

Hair, like skin, does not like temperature changes. And if we add to this frequent coloring, daily hot styling and hair styling products, then as a result we get dry and brittle hair.

Is dry hair the same as damaged hair?

Not at all. But what are the differences? We often confuse and do not understand the difference between these types of hair. Accordingly, we choose the wrong care and expect a result that we most likely will not get. So that you do not have such misunderstandings in the future, I want to explain to you the difference between dry and damaged hair. 

Dryness is usually caused by a lack of moisture and natural oils in the hair . These oils act as a lubricant, making it shiny and soft to the touch. And when there are too few oils, it leads to brittle, unruly, and dry hair, which is often accompanied by a flaky scalp and itching.

Damaged hair is caused by damage to the hair cuticles . When hair is healthy, the cuticles are tightly packed together, creating protection for the inner part of the hair. Then it looks smooth and feels soft. When hair is damaged, the cuticles become rough, peel, and even fall off, which ultimately leads to dullness, split ends, and breakage.

Damaged hair is indeed very easy to confuse with dry hair, since their signs are somewhat similar, but let’s dot the i’s and cross the t’s and find out what is special about dry hair. Its most characteristic signs include:

  • hair fragility;
  • itching and flaking of the scalp;
  • hair porosity and tendency to frizz;
  • lack of shine in hair;
  • excessive hair loss;
  • inelastic hair;
  • increased electrification;
  • difficulties with hair styling;
  • split ends. 

Most of my friends who have faced the above-mentioned problems claimed that the only way out of this situation is a haircut. Don’t tell me that you are on their side. In fact, you shouldn’t resort to such drastic measures, because this is not a solution to the problem! Cutting off centimeter after centimeter will not make your hair moisturized, shiny and thick. But daily care and properly selected care products can definitely restore their vitality.

Dry Hair Rescue

You already know what can cause dry hair and how to recognize its main signs. But what to do to restore strength, elasticity and beauty to your hair? Gentle care and properly selected cosmetic products will help save your dry hair at home. 

Active Ingredients in Dry Hair Products

For the restoration and moisturization of dry hair, the most important thing is to choose the right daily care products. On the shelves of stores you can find a very large selection of such products. But which ones to choose? First of all, I advise you to focus on products whose formula is enriched with such active substances as:

  • Hyaluronic acid is a powerful component that can attract and retain moisture inside the hair. It is an indispensable component for dry hair, making it soft, smooth and manageable;

argan oil – its formula is enriched with fatty acids and vitamin E, making it a real elixir for dry and brittle hair. This component promotes deep nutrition and hydration, giving hair elasticity and shine. In addition, argan oil helps restore split ends and protects hair from harmful environmental influences;

Shea butter is a natural emollient that, thanks to its rich, creamy texture, is ideal for combating dryness and frizz. Shea butter retains moisture, creating a protective barrier that prevents further dehydration, and also contains vitamins A and E, which promote healthy hair growth and restoration;

Aloe – its gel formula is rich in vitamins, minerals and enzymes that deeply moisturize the hair, making it soft and elastic. In addition, aloe also has antibacterial and soothing properties, which helps reduce itching and irritation of the scalp;

Coconut oil is a natural component that can penetrate deep into the hair, nourishing it from the inside and preventing protein loss. The high content of lauric acid in coconut oil helps retain moisture and creates a protective film that minimizes the risk of damage when using hot styling tools; 

panthenol , or
 provitamin B5 , is a component that helps strengthen and moisturize dry hair. Penetrating deep under the hair cuticle, it creates additional volume and improves moisture retention, and also gives hair shine and a healthy glow;

Jojoba oil is a component that is most similar to the natural oils produced by the scalp. It helps regulate sebum secretion, preventing excessive dryness and oiliness of the skin. In addition, jojoba oil also provides nutrition to the hair follicles, promoting healthy growth and reducing hair breakage. 

Now you know what ingredients to look for when choosing care cosmetics for dry hair. Don’t limit yourself to just the “for dry hair” label – be sure to read the product’s composition. After all, how quickly your hair will regain its strength and become shiny depends on whether you choose the right cosmetic product.

Dry Hair Care – Secrets of Restoration

From dry and dull hair to moisturized, vibrant and shiny hair, it’s only a few steps away. And the beginning of this magical transformation lies in following simple but extremely effective rules of daily hair care . I assure you that basic habits can be the key to solving most of your hair problems. 

However, when it comes to dry and dull hair, it is important to focus on the three pillars of gentle care: regeneration , hydration and nutrition . These three processes should become your best friends on the way to restoration and a healthy look of your hairstyle.

Below I have prepared for you several secrets from our cosmetologists who know everything about caring for dry hair.

  1. Gentle hair washing. If possible, choose hair shampoos that do not contain sulfates and silicones . They gently cleanse the scalp without stripping the hair of its natural moisture. It is also very important to first apply the shampoo to your palms, rub it a little, and then distribute it over the scalp. Do not apply the shampoo along the entire length of your hair, so as not to dry it out even more.
  2. Avoid hot styling tools . Excessive heat styling is often one of the main causes of dry hair. Using curling irons and straighteners at high temperatures damages the hydrolipid barrier of the scalp, hair texture and its natural shine. Try to use heat tools for hair as little as possible, and if such a need arises, 
    do not forget to apply a heat protectant before using them.
  3. Limit the number of chemical procedures for hair. Coloring, lightening, hot reconstruction – this is extra stress for dry hair. If you find it difficult to refuse them, then try to choose less harmful products and contact only a trusted master who will help you choose a procedure taking into account the condition of your hair. In addition, for hair coloring you can use henna, cassia or basma – Indian herbal dyes that are natural and safe for hair.
  4. Focus on moisturizing and regeneration. If you have dry hair, then I categorically do not recommend you skip the moisturizing stage when washing your hair. Balms, conditioners and masks are the main source of active ingredients that can revive your hair. They form a protective layer on the surface of the hair, which helps retain moisture inside it, and also prevent split ends and tangling, making it manageable and shiny. 
  5. Enrich your hair care with additional nutrients. Using natural oils, serums or hair essences helps maintain optimal moisture levels inside the hair, which gives it shine and a healthy look.
  6. I recommend applying serums and essences to the lower part of the hair before or after the styling stage. Pay special attention to the ends, as they are prone to splitting due to mechanical damage or external factors.

Prevention of dry hair problem

If you notice certain changes: your hair loses its shine, becomes dull or less elastic – don’t wait, because the health and beauty of your hair begins not from the moment problems appear, but from their prevention. For this purpose, I have prepared for you some tips that will help prevent dry hair:

  • during periods of scorching sun, strong wind or frost, be sure to wear a hat and avoid staying outdoors for long periods of time;
  • Be sure to rinse your hair with clean water after visiting the pool or water park;
  • try to dry your hair with a hairdryer on a cold setting;
  • Make sure that your diet consistently includes foods containing omega-3, calcium, iron, vitamins A and E. After all, an unbalanced diet often leads to insufficient moisture levels and brittle hair;
  • If your hair tends to be dry, I recommend washing your hair no more than 2-3 times a week. If you need to quickly refresh your hair between washes, pay attention to dry shampoo , which will restore your hair to its aesthetic appearance in a matter of minutes.

Sercan Can is a 22-year-old young adult living in Turkey. His life is shaped by his interest in the medical field and his passion for haircare. Sercan is considering embarking on a career in the medical field, aiming to specialize in healthcare. His desire to understand and address health-related issues guides him toward the medical field. However, haircare has become one of Sercan's personal interests. He places great importance on the health of his hair and aspires to have long and healthy locks. Being knowledgeable about haircare products, hair masks, and hair growth techniques occupies a significant place in Sercan's beauty routine. Sercan is exploring opportunities to combine his future medical career with his interests in hair health and beauty. By integrating his medical knowledge with haircare, he aims to help people achieve the best in both health and beauty aspects.

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