Beauty Beauty Tips

Hair has become thin, sparse and falls out: reasons for thinning at the roots, why this happens and what to do to restore it


Today I would like to touch upon a problem that both men and women face at different ages. This problem is thinning hair at the roots.

Hair thinning ( follicle miniaturization) is a change in the structure of the hair shaft , resulting in a decrease in its diameter, which ultimately leads to a loss of hair volume and is one of the initial signs of possible hair loss. Thinning closer to the roots signals problems in the body.

In this post I want to take a detailed look at this problem, its first signs and causes, degrees of manifestation, as well as ways to restore hair if it has become thin.

Fundamentals of Physiology (Basic Information on Growth Phases)

Hair has its own life cycle, i.e. hair, in a normal state, grows and falls out at the same time. Each hair goes through several main phases of growth and development :

Anagen phase or growth phase

Characterized by the birth of hair and its formation in the follicle. The hair receives all the necessary nutrients and grows in the external environment. This is the longest phase of hair growth, which can last from 2 to 6 years. The duration of the anagen phase determines the length of the hair.

Catagen phase or transitional phase

Characterized by atrophy of the hair papilla, which is responsible for the nutrition of the hair follicle. The size of the follicle in this phase is reduced to 70%. The transition phase lasts for 2-3 weeks. Due to the cessation of the supply of useful elements, the hair moves to the next stage.

Telogen phase or shedding phase

This phase lasts from 2 to 4 months and consists of the following phases:

– the exogen phase, which is characterized by the cessation of blood supply to the hair follicle. At this stage, the connection between the hair and the follicle is interrupted, the hair peels off and falls out;

– kenogen phase (resting phase) – the period between the release of the hair follicle and the growth of a new hair. This phase can last from two to 12 months. During this time, the hair follicle remains empty – no hair grows from it. When hair thins, most follicles are in the “sleeping” phase, i.e. kenogen phase. The longer the kenogen phase lasts, the more pronounced the pathology and structural changes in the hair follicle. Sometimes the resting phase does not immediately transition to the active growth phase (anagen) – the state when the follicle must synthesize hair. 

Neogene phase or intermediate phase

The Neogen phase is a short recovery phase between the end of the telogen phase and the beginning of the anagen phase. It is characterized by the activation of the hair papilla and the beginning of the formation of new hair.

In a normal life cycle: 85-90% of hair is in the anagen stage, 1-2% of hair is in the catagen stage, and no more than 15% is ready to fall out, i.e. are in the telogen stage. Violation of any stage can lead to thinning, thinning and pathological hair loss. 

Manifestation of age-related changes

The problem  of thinning hair at the roots becomes especially noticeable with age.

Age is directly related to the condition of the hair. Over the years, hair becomes drier, and after 50 years it can become noticeably thinner and thinner. The reason is that the scalp and hair follicles are hormone-dependent, and with age, a person’s hormonal background changes, and this affects the quality and appearance of hair. There are also shifts in the proportions of vitamins, proteins, a sharp decrease in antioxidant protection and microcirculation.

As a person ages, hair growth on the head may be stable, but the duration of the anagen phase tends to decrease. Age-related changes are characterized by a decrease in hair quality . They become brittle, thin, and dull.

Natural aging affects the change in the physical condition of the hair surface, which is noted:

  • progressive abrasion of the cuticle from the roots to the tips of the hair fibers;
  • reduction in the size of cuticular scales;
  • lack of moisture in the hair fiber.

The Impact of Menopause in Women

Menopause – as part of the aging process in women, greatly affects the condition of the hair and scalp . During menopause, there is a decrease in the level of estrogen and progesterone, which means that the effect of male hormones – androgens – increases. The usual age of menopause is between 45 and 55 years. During and after menopause, hair may become thinner  due to the shrinkage of hair follicles.

Hormonal changes that occur during this period are the main reason why hair thinning occurs in women. With age, the proportion of anagen hairs decreases, the diameter thins and weakens at the roots, and the growth rate slows. 

What related problems may arise?

As a rule, thinning is accompanied by related problems, such as:

  1. Increased hair fragility at the roots, which may be accompanied by changes in the condition of the scalp or the hair itself. How to distinguish broken hair from fallen hair: you need to carefully examine the hairs that remain on the comb. If they do not have a white bulb at the end, then this is a broken hair. ( exclamationBut: If the hair breaks off at the root in a whole group, and the skin itches and becomes covered with scales, in this case you need to see a doctor to rule out trichophytosis – a fungal infection of the scalp);
  2. Loss of natural shine of hair, dullness. This occurs as a result of discoloration of the hair, which indicates a decrease in the amount of organic matter in the structure of the hair shafts, and leads to less elasticity;
  3. Tangling of hair at the roots. Characterized by a decrease in the content of organic substances in the hair, which leads to increased friction between adjacent hairs. Since at the slightest contact the hair shafts cling to each other and tangling occurs;
  4. Hair thinning occurs as a result of severe thinning of the hair on the crown in a diffuse form;
  5. Frizziness of hair. Progression of thinning is especially noticeable when thick healthy hair is replaced by short, fluff-like hairs through which the scalp is visible.

Signs of thinning hair at the roots

Hair thinning  occurs gradually and if it is not noticed in time and not stopped at the early stages, it can lead to more serious hair problems. Some signs of manifestation can be seen, and some are determined tactilely.

“My hair used to be thick…” – this is the phrase that usually begins complaints about thinning and subsequent hair loss.

Hair thinning, also called follicle miniaturization, is the gradual reduction in the diameter of individual hairs over time. The process occurs very slowly and is not always accompanied by increased hair loss, meaning it can often go unnoticed in the early stages.

The process is characterized by the beginning of the production of thinner, shorter and more brittle hair with weaker hair shafts by hair follicles. Sometimes it is temporary, for example, under the influence of mechanical action on the hair roots. But if the thinning has already resulted in noticeable thinning of the hair, then this is already a reason to consult a trichologist.

Change in growth line, thickness and density

Changing hairline

In men, the thinning process begins with a change in the hairline in the forehead and crown areas. The hairline recedes from the sides, bald spots form, they deepen, the forehead becomes higher, hair thinning appears, and then gaps appear in the crown area.

In women, there is a diffuse thinning of hair in the frontal-parietal area, as well as an increase in the width of the central parting. This is a very serious symptom, since thinning in the frontal-parietal area of ​​the head (on the crown) can indicate the onset of androgenetic alopecia, since this is where the genetically androgen-dependent hair follicles are located.

Photo: Changing hairline in men and thinning hair in the frontal-parietal region in women

You can see that the hair has thinned and become fine on the crown by dividing it down the middle. Notice how much of the scalp is visible, and compare the thickness of the hair in the frontal area and in the occipital area. With pronounced persistent thinning, the average thickness of the hair in the frontal area will be less than in the occipital area.

Reducing density

Severe thinning can result in thinning, which is seen as a reduction in tail diameter in women and scalp showing through the hair in men.

With severe thinning, separate hairless areas become visible on the head – on the border of the hairline in the frontal-temporal corners and the hairline between the forehead and the crown.

Photo: Separate hairless areas noticeable thinning

A decrease in density may indicate both a change in hair diameter and a more serious pathology – damage to the hair follicles. This can lead to increased hair loss in the telogen phase, while the affected hair follicle produces shorter, thinner and more brittle hair with weaker shafts.

Discomfort in the scalp

Sometimes thinning and receding hair is accompanied by dandruff, a feeling of dryness and tightness, scalp soreness and itching. This indicates that scalp diseases may be the cause.

Decrease in hair density

Thinning can be accompanied by a sharp deterioration in the appearance of hair – loss of natural volume and elasticity, gradual replacement of dense pigmented hair with barely noticeable depigmented vellus hair.

Tactile signs

Hair that has thinned looks dull,  brittle, lacking volume, thin . At the border of growth between the forehead and the crown, the hair becomes lighter, thinner and sparse. Thinning can also be seen at the marginal hairline in the frontal-temporal corners, where bald spots in the shape of a circle or oval are formed.

Photo: Signs of thinning hair

Thinning hair feels like  fluff , it is weightless and less pigmented, i.e. it has become lighter and more transparent than it was before . Such hair is too soft and almost not felt if you run it between your index finger and thumb, and it feels dry to the touch.

There is heterogeneity in the thickness of hair shafts with the simultaneous presence of thin, medium and thick hair – thinner and vellus hair in large quantities neighbors with normal hair. The percentage of vellus and similar hair in diameter should not exceed 20%.

The difference in hair diameters is a characteristic sign that the hair follicles are undergoing a reduction in the duration of subsequent growth phases in the life cycle, which leads to a decrease in the number of hairs in the anagen phase and a progressive transition of shaft hairs (terminal) into vellus hairs with their subsequent predominance.

This process is called hair follicle miniaturization. If the follicles first diffusely miniaturize and eventually completely atrophy, this is a characteristic sign of the onset of androgenetic alopecia.

Thinning as a sign of hair loss

Severe, sudden and progressive thinning of hair at the roots may be the beginning of hair loss .

Therefore, I would like to separately touch upon the topic of alopecia.

First, I will explain that not every hair loss is alopecia (baldness). Hair cells (keratinocytes), like cells of the whole body, have the ability to renew themselves. As a result of such renewal, natural hair loss occurs and new hair is formed in their place.

Thus, hair loss is a natural process, intervention in which is necessary if the lost amount of hair is not replaced by a similar amount.

Natural hair loss can occur in men and women of all age groups.

The community contains posts on the topic of hair loss, they can be found under the tag ” Hair loss ” in the navigation section.

Androgenetic alopecia (AGA)

I would like to dwell in a little more detail on this type of alopecia (I will write why below).

Androgenetic or androgenic alopecia is not a disease, but a genetic condition (predisposition) + negative factors that provoke baldness, which affects both men and women. AGA is inherited both through the female and male lines.

AGA is not associated with increased testosterone, and is often found in the setting of low testosterone.

The main reason for the development of androgenic alopecia is the activity of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, which in genetically predisposed cells of hair follicles converts the androgen hormone (free testosterone) into dihydrotestosterone.

Dihydrotestosterone, penetrating into follicle cells, triggers reactions that result in hair follicle dystrophy. Hair becomes thin, short and depigmented.

In women, the appearance of AGA may be associated with excess male hormones, which in turn may be associated with other diseases.

How to distinguish androgenetic alopecia from other types of alopecia

And why did I single out androgenetic alopecia (AGA) among other types?


The main difference between AGA and other types of alopecia is that with AGA there is progressive thinning of the hair, not just hair loss.

For example, in comparison with diffuse hair loss, when performing trichoscopy and phototrichogram, you need to pay attention to what diameter hair is falling out.If the hair loss is predominantly thinning or vellus hair, it is AGA; if a high percentage of hair loss is terminal hair, it is an indicator of diffuse hair loss or other hair loss without progressive thinning.

Also, with androgenic alopecia, micro-inflammations occur around the follicles and after a while fibrosis (connective tissue) may appear in this place, which means that it will no longer be possible to return the hair to its original thickness and density. Therefore, treatment should be started at the first signs of severe thinning.

If the goal is to preserve hair, androgenic alopecia therapy should not be interrupted . As soon as the maintenance of the follicles is interrupted, dihydrotestosterone will begin to damage them again.

Dermatoscopic signs of AGA:

  • different hair shaft diameters;
  • empty follicles;
  • dark halos around the follicle;
  • pigmentation;
  • inflammation of the scalp.

Hair thinning is not always alopecia. But without proper examination, it may turn out that the thinning of the hair is the beginning of AGA, and until the causes causing follicle dysfunction are eliminated, their aesthetic consequences will not stop. Therefore, the problem should be eliminated immediately after the first signs of pathology are detected .  

Why does hair thin with seborrhea

Hair thinning can often be observed with seborrhea of ​​the scalp.

Seborrhea is a skin disease that impedes blood circulation due to an increase in the amount and a change in the composition of secreted sebum under the influence of the skin microflora. The sebaceous glands stop functioning properly, as a result of which the scalp is not fully cleansed, the follicles become clogged and stop functioning normally.

With seborrheic skin lesions, thinning and sparseness of hair is observed.

Seborrhea in some cases is complicated by dermatitis (seborrheic dermatitis) , which is characterized by an inflammatory disease of the scalp itself, and not a disruption of the sebaceous glands of the skin, as in seborrhea.

In severe cases, seborrheic dermatitis can have the character of widespread inflammation and swelling of the dermis.

Symptoms of Seborrhea and Seborrheic Dermatitis

Signs of seborrhea/seborrheic dermatitis include:

  • peeling of the skin in certain areas;
  • rapid loss of freshness and cleanliness of hair after washing;
  • increased sebum secretion in the parietal and frontal areas;
  • inflammatory lesions, itching, redness, rough skin;
  • many yellow or gray scales;
  • the appearance of a rash in different areas of the scalp;
  • With seborrheic dermatitis, purulent blisters may appear.

Hair growth slows down, it becomes weakly pigmented, vellus hairs appear. In severe forms of seborrhea, alopecia may develop.

Causes of seborrhea

1. Increased sebaceous gland activity leads to excess fat on the scalp . As a result, sebaceous ducts and hair follicles become clogged, and keratinized particles accumulate on the scalp. They begin to stick together and form a viscous mass, which is a good environment for the reproduction of fungus. This leads to damage to the hair follicles, hair becomes thinner and begins to fall out.

There are three main types of seborrhea: dry, oily and mixed. 

2. Also, one of the reasons for the development of seborrhea is a change in the composition of sebum, which causes a disruption of the skin’s barrier function.

3. The fact is that the level of secretion and composition of sebum is primarily determined by genetic and hormonal factors.

Due to the high level of sex hormones, men are most often susceptible to seborrheic disease.

The activity of the sebaceous glands depends on male sex hormones – testosterone, and its form – dihydrotestosterone, as well as the hormone androstenedione.

On the surface of hair cells and sebaceous glands there are receptors to these sex hormones. At the same time, the level of total testosterone can be within the normal range, and the transformation of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone can be tens of times higher compared to healthy people. This depends on the degree of activity of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase and the degree of receptor susceptibility.

4. Also, one of the reasons for the manifestation of seborrhea / seborrheic dermatitis are neurogenic factors (diseases of the central nervous system and autonomic nervous system, Parkinson’s disease, paralysis of the cranial nerves and body). And nervous stress can provoke an exacerbation of seborrheic dermatitis.

5. Immune disorders . Seborrhea/seborrheic dermatitis often develops in HIV-infected and AIDS patients.

In case of seborrhea/seborrheic dermatitis, the frequency of hair washing should not be reduced under any circumstances. Often, the disease begins to progress when patients reduce the frequency of hair washing. This can lead to progressive damage to new areas of the skin and even more profuse peeling.

Treatment of seborrhea/seborrheic dermatitis involves the use of:

  • keratolytics (peelings);
  • glucocorticosteroid;
  • antiseptics;
  • sebum correctors;
  • antifungal agents.

External and internal causes of thinning hair on the head

Hair thinning and receding can be caused by internal (for example, the state of the body) and external factors (direct impact, for example, traumatic care).

I will consider the main reasons that affect the condition of the hair and lead to the fact that the hair becomes thin and light, and begins to grow weak.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract that lead to a lack of nutrients in the body

Hair quality is directly related to nutrition. The normal process of supply, consumption and transport of proteins, amino acids, microelements and vitamins is essential for the highly active biosynthesis of the hair follicle.

Since the hair shaft consists almost entirely of protein , the protein portion of the diet is especially important for the appearance and growth of normal healthy hair.

And the intensity of cell division  is sensitive to the caloric content of the diet, provided mainly by carbohydrates stored as glycogen in the outer root of the follicle.

For biosynthesis and energy metabolism of the follicle, a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements is required.

Poor nutrition leads to a deficiency of essential proteins, minerals, amino acids and vitamins, which are responsible for the growth of healthy hair and its structure.

What deficiencies can lead to thinning? 

  • Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM ) is an energy deficiency due to a chronic deficiency of all macronutrients;
  • Vitamin D deficiency . Deficiency of this vitamin is manifested in the slowing down of hair follicle growth. The synthesis of this vitamin in the body depends on the effect of sunlight, so in cloudy seasons, a lack of vitamin D can lead to seasonal weakening of hair. Another task of vitamin D is to stimulate new and old hair follicles. With a lack of vitamin D, the growth of new hair can slow down.
  • Zinc deficiency can also lead to slow hair growth, deterioration of hair quality (thinning, dryness, split ends, brittleness), pustular rashes on the scalp, and dandruff.
  • Iron deficiency . A common cause of hair loss is anemia. This is due to a lack of iron, which results in the suppression of cellular functions in tissues. The scalp suffers from this, the structure of the hair may change, the shine is lost, brittleness and dryness appear, sometimes this provokes diffuse hair loss. Any disease that is caused by a lack of iron can cause thinning hair and even hair loss.

exclamationBut: if the diet is complete and balanced, but thinning is still present, then it is necessary to exclude gastrointestinal diseases, in which some of the substances necessary for hair cannot be absorbed.

Hormonal causes

There are many hormones that influence the functioning of the hair follicle and therefore thinning is closely related to hormonal changes and problems.

Effect of androgens

Hair thinning in areas with increased sensitivity of hair follicles to androgens occurs in people with a genetic predisposition.

For example, increased and sharp thinning, both in women and men, is associated with an increase in the hormone dihydrotestosterone , which, penetrating into cells, disrupts the functions of protein synthesis, which leads to disruption of the natural regulator of microcirculation, and this, in turn, causes a deterioration in the nutrition of hair follicles and their saturation with oxygen.

As a result, the hair follicles become weakened , and the hair shafts gradually begin to become  thin and vellus-like .


Estrogen receptors are also present in hair follicles, and so when estrogen levels drop (most often during menopause), women notice a dramatic change in hair structure – dryness, thinning, and even thinning .


High prolactin levels can cause diffuse prolapse, progressive thinning followed by AGA .

Effects of thyroid hormones

The thyroid gland secretes hormones necessary for metabolism and stimulation of oxidation-reduction processes in the body.

Thyroid hormones have a direct influence on the life cycle of hair follicles: growth, resting state and loss. 

If the production of thyroid hormones increases above the norm, this is called hyperthyroidism . Increased levels of hormones in the blood provoke accelerated metabolic processes in the body, and the hair begins to go through the growth cycle faster – it becomes too soft, fluffiness appears in the root area, which ultimately leads to thinning and, less often, to subsequent hair loss.

Deficiency of thyroid hormones is called  hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is more common in women than in men, and is especially common between the ages of 40 and 60. Hypothyroidism is characterized by  a large number of hair follicles in a resting state . Hair becomes dull, brittle, and may show diffuse thinning. In genetically predisposed individuals, long-term hypothyroidism may be accompanied by alopecia.

Consequences of hormonal therapy

Birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy with progestogens that have androgenic activity can cause progressive thinning of hair at the roots with subsequent hair loss in genetically predisposed women.

Estrogens, by affecting the duration of the hair growth cycle, prolong the anagen phase. After contraceptives are discontinued, a large number of hair follicles enter the telogen phase, which leads to a sharp diffuse hair loss.

Postpartum thinning

After childbirth, a woman begins hormonal changes , which are characterized by a rapid transition of follicles from the prolonged anagen phase (during pregnancy) to the catagen phase, and then telogen.

Thinning of hair after childbirth occurs due to hormonal imbalance in the postpartum period , which is characterized by a decrease in estrogen levels. This is explained by the fact that during pregnancy, under the influence of estrogen, the anagen phase (hair growth phase) is extended. After the decrease in estrogen levels, a rapid synchronous transition of hair follicles from the extended anagen phase to the catagen and telogen phases begins, which causes intense thinning with subsequent hair loss.

The following hormones have the greatest influence on the condition of hair: androgens, estrogens, thyroid and parathyroid hormones, prolactin, corticosteroids, growth hormone and melatonin.

Stress and systematic fatigue

Can stress cause hair loss, thinning and receding hair? Yes, stress has a strong impact on the condition of the hair and scalp.

When you are stressed, anxious, or worried, the hormone cortisol (also called the “stress hormone” ) and other chemicals are released, preventing the body from absorbing useful microelements, which causes changes in the functioning of the body’s systems, and in particular, leads to a disruption in the nutrition of the hair follicles. This affects the growth and texture of the hair. The growth of new hair slows down, and existing hair begins to weaken, become thinner, and even fall out.

Stress can be not only emotional, but also physical: surgery, high temperature for a long time, serious injuries, bleeding, difficult childbirth, etc., and oxidative, which is based on insufficient functioning of the antioxidant system with increased oxidative processes in the body.

Hair restoration after physical stress directly depends on how quickly the body is able to recover and return to normal. It should be taken into account that hair begins to weaken not at the moment of nervous experiences, but after some time (2-3 months). 

Exposure to infectious diseases and certain medications

Any acute viral or infectious diseases can negatively affect the condition of the hair to varying degrees. Sometimes a surgical operation can be a trigger for thinning and weakening of the hair.

Consequences of Covid-19

But the greatest likelihood of hair deterioration occurs with Covid-19. 

Many people who have recovered from coronavirus have faced the problem of sudden hair loss and hair thinning. 

Hair thinning  after Covid and subsequent possible hair loss are caused by a combination of reasons, such as:

  1. Vascular problems.  Microthrombosis caused by the virus disrupts the blood flow of the hair follicles, which leads to their inflammation, and as a result, the hair becomes thinner;
  2. In response to the toxic effects of COVID , the body begins to secrete too many hormone-like proteins and peptides, which leads to damage and further miniaturization of the hair follicle;
  3. Covid-19 infection is associated with the activity of androgen receptors , so against the background of Covid, alopecia may begin to develop, in the initial stage accompanied by thinning of the hair at the roots.
  4. During the coronavirus,  the cells that produce the pigment melanin (melanocytes), which are responsible for hair pigmentation, die, so the hair can become lighter and thinner due to the loss of this pigment. 
  5. Also  , patients on artificial ventilation lose weight sharply, which is also a reason for hair weakening and further hair loss.
  6. Increased hair thinning can also be observed in patients who have been lying motionless in the intensive care unit for a long time, and there is a disruption of blood circulation at the point of contact with the pillow. 
  7. During the coronavirus disease  , underlying, initially mild, diseases of the hair follicles may worsen .
  8. In addition, if Covid-19 is severe, various kinds of psychological concerns begin to appear, which leads to a stressful state. 

Impact of the vaccine

The post-vaccination period can also have a negative impact on both the appearance of hair and its quantity. 

The Covid vaccine can cause the same symptoms as the disease itself , only to a milder degree. 

But the mechanism of hair weakening remains the same. The vaccine can cause an inflammatory reaction, to a degree sufficient to provoke miniaturization of the follicles. There is also a hypothesis that hair weakening after the Covid vaccination is observed in people predisposed to hair loss, and the vaccination is only a trigger for its development.

Hair thinning after the vaccine may begin in people who previously had other autoimmune diseases , such as thyroid disease, and in the presence of antibodies against it. It is noted that if a person was previously diagnosed with the initial stage of alopecia – hair thinning, and if he or she, already vaccinated, gets sick with covid again, then hair thinning intensifies and then goes into the phase of hair loss.

Effect of drugs

Long-term use of medications can also have a separate negative impact and side effects. For example, such drugs as: anticoagulants, antibiotics, antidepressants, beta blockers, etc. Follicle cells are susceptible to toxic breakdown products of drugs. And in this case, not only thinning of hair is possible, but also hair loss.

If stopping taking this type of medication is not possible, then you need to pay special attention to other factors that affect the condition of your hair and scalp (nutrition, absence of stress, care, etc.) so that the damage from taking medications to your hair is minimal.

Chronic intoxication of the body

Regular intoxication of the body with harmful substances , such as smoking and regular alcohol consumption, have a negative impact on hair in both men and women.

Hair damage in such cases is associated with multifactorial mechanisms of influence of alcohol and tobacco smoke, such as:

  •  disruption of the small vessel system of the hair papillae;
  • harmful effects on the DNA of hair follicles;
  • an increase in the concentration of hormone-like proteins and peptides that cause inflammation;
  • development of follicular fibrosis and microinflammation;
  • oxidative degradation of estradiol, creating a deficiency of active estrogens. 

With chronic intoxication of the body with regular exposure to nicotine and alcohol, the metabolic processes of the scalp cells are disrupted, which impede the blood flow to the follicles, causing their miniaturization, thinning of the hair, thinning and subsequent hair loss.

External factors
Regular procedures that are traumatic for hair include:

  • Chemical perm, which is a very traumatic procedure. It changes and disrupts the natural structure and destroys hair scales with chemicals . The strong alkaline composition penetrates deep into the hair structure and can disrupt the metabolic processes taking place in it. And if this procedure is carried out on already unhealthy, thinned, dry hair and diseased scalp (for example, seborrheic dermatitis), the more damaged the hair and skin are. In this case, you may even need scalp treatment and hair restoration.
  • Keratin straightening can only worsen damaged hair due to thinning. During the keratin straightening procedure, a special composition is applied to the hair, which can weigh it down. The longer and thinner the hair, the higher the risk of hair loss, since weakened hair follicles may not be able to withstand the load. Also, keratin straightening is contraindicated in cases of scalp diseases, seborrhea and dermatitis.
  • Coloring  can damage hair and scalp, which leads to disruption of hair follicles, and as a result, hair loss and damage to the structure. The more intense the effect of dyes and oxidizers, the stronger and deeper the damage. When coloring, the cuticle scales are lifted so that the coloring pigment can penetrate inside, and for the hair this is a serious injury after coloring.
  •  Extensions – this procedure can provoke not only thinning, but also partial baldness . Moreover, cold, hot or ultrasonic hair extensions are equally harmful. The hair follicle can withstand the weight of its hair, and with additional long-term load, the bulb is stretched, which leads to deformation of the blood vessels that feed it and disruption of metabolic processes. Thus, after extensions, the hair can become thinner, break off or fall out along with the bulb.
  • Incorrect or rough styling techniques can cause thinning hair or partial hair loss if the hair is styled in a way that puts tension on the roots – for example, tight curling with a curling iron, or pulling the hair hard while blow-drying.
  • Certain hairstyles. Certain hairstyles involve a lot of tension on the hair roots, which damages the hair follicles, which can lead to thinning and, in the worst case, traction alopecia. Those at risk are those who are forced to wear certain hairstyles due to their occupation (e.g., ballerinas, dancers, gymnasts). Such tight hairstyles are worn from childhood, when the immature hair follicles are damaged much more quickly, which can result in permanent hair loss.
  • Also undesirable are hairstyles that put additional stress on the hair follicles , such as African braids, dreadlocks, strong backcombing , etc. With these hairstyles, the hair is stretched for months without a break. The situation is aggravated by the difficulty with hygiene, since it is impossible to wash the head well. The accumulation of sebum leads to inflammation of the scalp, which can cause seborrheic dermatitis and alopecia.

What to do to restore hair if it has become very thin and sparse

If you notice that your hair has started to look different than usual – the hair at the roots, instead of the usual thickness, has partially become thinner, more transparent, drier – do not panic.

Panic is a strong stress that can only make the hair situation worse.

First, you need to figure out what could be the reason why your hair is becoming thin, and only then decide what to do about it and how to restore it. Therefore, to begin with, you need to answer the following questions:

  1. What illnesses have you been diagnosed with recently? 
  2. What medications are you taking or have you taken?
  3. What type of food do you eat? 
  4. What is happening in your life, are there any stressful situations ?
  5. Have any members of your family had alopecia ?
  6. What hairstyles do you prefer, what hair care do you practice?

Answering these questions will give you a general picture of the factors affecting your hair and help you understand what exactly could be causing your hair to thin. To avoid worsening your hair condition and to prevent hair thinning from developing, follow these recommendations:

First, you need to adjust your lifestyle:

1. Try to be less irritated and stressed. Sufficient sleep, walks, reduce the level of stress hormone, and the psycho-emotional component plays a big role in hair restoration. 

2. During the period of restoration of weakened hair, it is necessary to monitor the correctness of nutrition and establish a drinking regime.  Hair consists of 95% of the protein keratin and the body will need material for it. It is necessary to balance the diet, which should include a number of proteins, fats and cereals. At least for the duration of treatment, fried, fatty, floury foods should be excluded. For example, excess sugar removes minerals and vitamins from the body, depletes protein reserves, provokes coarsening and destruction of collagen, causes insulin surges, which leads to a strong weakening of the cells of the hair follicles. 

3. Don’t go to extremes . Sometimes, noticing changes in hair, some start washing their hair twice a day, while others reduce washing and combing to a minimum. Regardless of the problem, hair washing should be regular, as it gets dirty. Otherwise, it can lead to an exacerbation of seborrheic dermatitis, dandruff, and inflammatory processes. 

4. Perform scalp massage (the next section contains a detailed description of massage techniques for hair restoration) and other procedures that can be performed at home. 

5. During the recovery period, you should refrain from procedures that can damage the hair structure and follicles, such as: coloring, keratin straightening, curling and hair extensions. 

6. It is not recommended to wash weakened, damaged hair  with tap water if it is hard. Because the chlorine contained in such water is a strong oxidizer that destroys disulfide bridges that ensure the resistance of the hair shaft to water and mechanical damage. If possible, wash your hair with boiled water. It is also recommended to rinse your hair with strengthening herbal infusions such as chamomile, sage, nettle. 

7. It also makes sense to use salon procedures, such as plasma therapy, mesotherapy, etc. (a detailed description of salon procedures for hair restoration in the following sections) 

8. In sunny weather, wearing a hat is mandatory. In the cold season , especially in frost, there is a narrowing of the blood vessels of the scalp, through which nutrients are supplied to the follicles, so in such weather, wearing hats is also mandatory. 

All of the above actions will be effective if the cause of hair thinning is stress or temporary weakening of the body.

Successful treatment and its effectiveness depend on understanding the reason why the hair has become thin, as well as the stage of the problem, since the hair follicles must be active in order to be stimulated. 

But if the reason for the change in hair, when it becomes thinner, is due to hormones or another systemic health problem, then the right solution would be to visit a trichologist and make an accurate diagnosis.  You do not need to use folk remedies, it is better to contact specialists for qualified treatment.

Hair restoration therapy is complex and is selected individually through a combination of various medications and appropriate procedures. 

Using a trichogram and trichoscopy, a trichologist will determine:

  • hair density and diameter;
  • condition of the scalp and follicles;
  • density and diameter of hair on different areas of the skin;
  • amount of velustral hair;
  • percentage of hair diameter heterogeneity;
  • the number of hairs in the anagen phase and in the exogen phase. 

To accurately diagnose the cause of hair thinning, it is sometimes necessary to undergo some tests.

Cosmetics for strengthening, stimulating growth and against hair loss

Methods for restoring thin and weakened hair include the correct choice of medicinal and cosmeceutical products aimed at preventing thinning, stimulating growth, and stopping hair loss.Regular procedures that are traumatic for hair include:

  • Chemical perm, which is a very traumatic procedure. It changes and disrupts the natural structure and destroys hair scales with chemicals . The strong alkaline composition penetrates deep into the hair structure and can disrupt the metabolic processes taking place in it. And if this procedure is carried out on already unhealthy, thinned, dry hair and diseased scalp (for example, seborrheic dermatitis), the more damaged the hair and skin are. In this case, you may even need scalp treatment and hair restoration.
  • Keratin straightening can only worsen damaged hair due to thinning. During the keratin straightening procedure, a special composition is applied to the hair, which can weigh it down. The longer and thinner the hair, the higher the risk of hair loss, since weakened hair follicles may not be able to withstand the load. Also, keratin straightening is contraindicated in cases of scalp diseases, seborrhea and dermatitis.
  • Coloring  can damage hair and scalp, which leads to disruption of hair follicles, and as a result, hair loss and damage to the structure. The more intense the effect of dyes and oxidizers, the stronger and deeper the damage. When coloring, the cuticle scales are lifted so that the coloring pigment can penetrate inside, and for the hair this is a serious injury after coloring.
  •  Extensions – this procedure can provoke not only thinning, but also partial baldness . Moreover, cold, hot or ultrasonic hair extensions are equally harmful. The hair follicle can withstand the weight of its hair, and with additional long-term load, the bulb is stretched, which leads to deformation of the blood vessels that feed it and disruption of metabolic processes. Thus, after extensions, the hair can become thinner, break off or fall out along with the bulb.
  • Incorrect or rough styling techniques can cause thinning hair or partial hair loss if the hair is styled in a way that puts tension on the roots – for example, tight curling with a curling iron, or pulling the hair hard while blow-drying.
  • Certain hairstyles. Certain hairstyles involve a lot of tension on the hair roots, which damages the hair follicles, which can lead to thinning and, in the worst case, traction alopecia. Those at risk are those who are forced to wear certain hairstyles due to their occupation (e.g., ballerinas, dancers, gymnasts). Such tight hairstyles are worn from childhood, when the immature hair follicles are damaged much more quickly, which can result in permanent hair loss.
  • Also undesirable are hairstyles that put additional stress on the hair follicles , such as African braids, dreadlocks, strong backcombing , etc. With these hairstyles, the hair is stretched for months without a break. The situation is aggravated by the difficulty with hygiene, since it is impossible to wash the head well. The accumulation of sebum leads to inflammation of the scalp, which can cause seborrheic dermatitis and alopecia.

What to do to restore hair if it has become very thin and sparse

If you notice that your hair has started to look different than usual – the hair at the roots, instead of the usual thickness, has partially become thinner, more transparent, drier – do not panic.

Panic is a strong stress that can only make the hair situation worse.

First, you need to figure out what could be the reason why your hair is becoming thin, and only then decide what to do about it and how to restore it. Therefore, to begin with, you need to answer the following questions:

  1. What illnesses have you been diagnosed with recently? 
  2. What medications are you taking or have you taken?
  3. What type of food do you eat? 
  4. What is happening in your life, are there any stressful situations ?
  5. Have any members of your family had alopecia ?
  6. What hairstyles do you prefer, what hair care do you practice?

Answering these questions will give you a general picture of the factors affecting your hair and help you understand what exactly could be causing your hair to thin. To avoid worsening your hair condition and to prevent hair thinning from developing, follow these recommendations:

First, you need to adjust your lifestyle:

1. Try to be less irritated and stressed. Sufficient sleep, walks, reduce the level of stress hormone, and the psycho-emotional component plays a big role in hair restoration. 

2. During the period of restoration of weakened hair, it is necessary to monitor the correctness of nutrition and establish a drinking regime.  Hair consists of 95% of the protein keratin and the body will need material for it. It is necessary to balance the diet, which should include a number of proteins, fats and cereals. At least for the duration of treatment, fried, fatty, floury foods should be excluded. For example, excess sugar removes minerals and vitamins from the body, depletes protein reserves, provokes coarsening and destruction of collagen, causes insulin surges, which leads to a strong weakening of the cells of the hair follicles. 

3. Don’t go to extremes . Sometimes, noticing changes in hair, some start washing their hair twice a day, while others reduce washing and combing to a minimum. Regardless of the problem, hair washing should be regular, as it gets dirty. Otherwise, it can lead to an exacerbation of seborrheic dermatitis, dandruff, and inflammatory processes. 

4. Perform scalp massage (the next section contains a detailed description of massage techniques for hair restoration) and other procedures that can be performed at home. 

5. During the recovery period, you should refrain from procedures that can damage the hair structure and follicles, such as: coloring, keratin straightening, curling and hair extensions. 

6. It is not recommended to wash weakened, damaged hair  with tap water if it is hard. Because the chlorine contained in such water is a strong oxidizer that destroys disulfide bridges that ensure the resistance of the hair shaft to water and mechanical damage. If possible, wash your hair with boiled water. It is also recommended to rinse your hair with strengthening herbal infusions such as chamomile, sage, nettle. 

7. It also makes sense to use salon procedures, such as plasma therapy, mesotherapy, etc. (a detailed description of salon procedures for hair restoration in the following sections) 

8. In sunny weather, wearing a hat is mandatory. In the cold season , especially in frost, there is a narrowing of the blood vessels of the scalp, through which nutrients are supplied to the follicles, so in such weather, wearing hats is also mandatory. 

All of the above actions will be effective if the cause of hair thinning is stress or temporary weakening of the body.

Successful treatment and its effectiveness depend on understanding the reason why the hair has become thin, as well as the stage of the problem, since the hair follicles must be active in order to be stimulated. 

But if the reason for the change in hair, when it becomes thinner, is due to hormones or another systemic health problem, then the right solution would be to visit a trichologist and make an accurate diagnosis.  You do not need to use folk remedies, it is better to contact specialists for qualified treatment.

Hair restoration therapy is complex and is selected individually through a combination of various medications and appropriate procedures. 

Using a trichogram and trichoscopy, a trichologist will determine:

  • hair density and diameter;
  • condition of the scalp and follicles;
  • density and diameter of hair on different areas of the skin;
  • amount of velustral hair;
  • percentage of hair diameter heterogeneity;
  • the number of hairs in the anagen phase and in the exogen phase. 

To accurately diagnose the cause of hair thinning, it is sometimes necessary to undergo some tests.

Cosmetics for strengthening, stimulating growth and against hair loss

Methods for restoring thin and weakened hair include the correct choice of medicinal and cosmeceutical products aimed at preventing thinning, stimulating growth, and stopping hair loss.

To restore hair, you should not choose cosmetic products.

Before choosing a product, it is necessary to have an understanding of what exactly is happening to the hair, as a result of which hair thinning at the roots could have occurred. 

Among the products listed below, most are presented as products against hair loss and for growth, this is explained by the fact that such products work to stimulate the work of hair follicles, so they should be used as a preventative measure or at the first signs of alopecia, some of which begin with thinning of hair at the roots. 

Anti-hair loss products contain active ingredients that can improve blood circulation in the scalp, strengthen follicles and stimulate hair growth.

Products based on Aminexil and Stemoxidine

Aminexil . Similar in structure to minoxidil, but is not absorbed into the blood and does not cause side effects. Effectively stops hair loss, but cannot stimulate dormant follicles.

Stemoxidine is the name of a biomimicking molecule that mimics the conditions that support the ability of hair follicle stem cells to synthesize. This allows the hair follicle to return to the active growth phase. The main task of this molecule is to trigger the growth of new hair. 

Very detailed information about the differences between Stemoxidine and Aminexil, as well as examples of products with these components, is in this post:I will only add 2 shampoos to the list of products:

  • Dercos Aminexil – toning shampoo against hair loss and thinning;
  • Dercos Neogenic – shampoo for increasing thickness Dercos Neogenic with stemoxidine.

Of course, shampoos cannot completely restore hair, but they can slow down pathological processes at the cellular level.

Dercos Aminexil is a complex remedy against hair loss for men and women in ampoules. 

You can learn more about the procedure and results of using these ampoules from these posts

1. Medavita complex

An intensive complex with natural ingredients prevents hair weakening and loss.a. Medavita Cutis Pure – peeling – detox with 1% organic shikimic acid;

b. Lotion Concentree Homme – intensive complex against thinning and hair loss for men;

v. Lotion Concentree Femme – intensive complex against thinning and hair loss for women.

You can read about the experience of use and the result by reading this post:

2. DreamMo Scalp Clinic solution shampoo and lotion.

The products are designed to combat thinning, alopecia and hair loss. The patented herbal composition has no analogues in the world, contains a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor.

These products contain a complex of hair growth stimulants based on placental extract, adenosine, caffeine, cayenne pepper, plant (phyto)estrogens, vitamins, inositol, saw palmetto extract – a component that blocks the activity of dihydrotestosterone (a hormone that is a common cause of hair loss).a. Intensive shampoo Dixidox de Luxe intense shampoo 3.1;

b. Loson Dixidox de Luxe forte lotion 3.4;

in Loson Crexepil de Luxe forte lotion 3.4.1.;

g. Concentrate Fresh Cells de Luxe wondercell concentrate 3.4.3. B;

d. Lotion Fresh Cells de Luxe wondercell lotion 3.4.3.А;

e. Lotion Capixyl + Placenta shock de Luxe lotion 3.4.4;

same Science-7 de Luxe lotion 3.4.5.A.

Results of AGA treatment with DSD de Luxe products in these posts

4. Daily care Opium Dsd de Luxe 

The products in this line contain a high concentration of placental extract, which is one of the best biological hair growth stimulants due to the content of regulatory peptides.

 a. Opium Shampoo 7.1.;

b. Mask Opium Mask 7.3.;

v. Opium Lotion 7.4.;

You can learn about the results of using the Opium Dsd de Luxe series from these posts:

5. Nioxin Hair Thinning Systems

a. System 1 – for natural hair with a tendency to thin and hair loss.—&gpp_sid=-1&client=ca-pub-6676020893839409&output=html&h=280&slotname=8658501790&adk=2261221635&adf=2348465151&×280&!m&fsb=1&dtd=9245

Photo: Nioxin System 1

b. System 2 – for natural, thinning, noticeably thinning hair.

Photo: Nioxin System 2

c. System 3 – for colored hair with a tendency to thinning and hair loss.

Photo: Nioxin System 3

g. System 4 – for colored, thinned, noticeably thinning hair.

Photo: Nioxin System 4

d. System 5 – for chemically treated hair with thinning and a tendency to hair loss.

Photo: Nioxin System 5

e. System 6 – for chemically treated, noticeably thinning hair.

Photo: Nioxin System 6

6. Sim Sensitive means

System 4 Sim Sensitive is a line of therapeutic products for the treatment and care of hair and scalp.

a. System 4 Bio Botanical Serum for hair growth;

b. System 4 Bio Botanical Shampoo for hair loss;

Photo: System 4 Bio Botanical Serum and System 4 Bio Botanical Shampoo

c. Treatment complex against hair loss System 4;

Photo: Treatment complex against hair loss System 4

g. Therapeutic tonic   System 4 Scalp Tonic “T” for stimulating hair growth;

d. Therapeutic mask System 4 Oil Cure Hair Mask “O” for scalp cleansing;

Photo: Therapeutic tonic System 4 Scalp Tonic T and therapeutic mask System 4 Oil Cure Hair Mask O

e. Therapeutic moisturizing lotion  System 4 Moisture Scalp Lotion for scalp and body.

Photo: System 4 Moisture Scalp Lotion

7. Ducray Hair Restoration Complex

Ducray hair restoration complex stimulates microcirculation, prolongs the anagen phase, activates cell growth in the hair follicle, stops hair loss in women.

Photo: Ducray Hair Restoration Complex

a. Creastim Ducray Lotion;

b. Neopeptide Ducray Lotion;

8. Time to Grow hair restoration program.

Time To Grow  is a professional trichological program for hair restoration and stimulation of growth, which includes:

Photo: Time to Grow Hair Restoration Program

a. Restorative shampoo with bioidentical ceramides;

b. Stimulating polarized scalp lotion;

c. Hair growth regulator “DNA+peptide”;

g. Natural stimulator for thickening and hair growth “Bio Energy”;

d. Concentrate-booster for hair restoration “3 Energy Factor”;

e. Restorative mask for hair and scalp;

f. Restorative serum with bioidentical ceramides;

z. Intensive anti-hair loss remedy SOS for hair;

and. Active lotion for stimulating hair growth.

9. Complex of products for hair restoration and treatment Rinfoltil

Rinfoltil complexes are products with an extract of saw palmetto fruits for restoration, acceleration of hair growth and stopping hair loss for both men and women.

a. Rinfoltil PRO against alopecia;

b. Rinfoltil Silex – to combat alopecia and improve the structural integrity of hair;

v. Rinfoltil Espresso – hair growth enhancement;

g. Classic series Rinfoltil ;

d. Nanoliposomal products Rinfoltil Pro.

10. NanoPharm Dr.Kohas Restorative Complex

 NanoPharm Dr.Kohas is a line of medical and preventive products created specifically for home use. It is based on a composition capable of activating the membrane permeability of cells.

a.   The “Healthy Hair Growth” complex (shampoo, oil, mask) is designed to eliminate scalp problems (itching, dandruff, seborrhea), damage to the structure of the hair shaft (thinning hair), and to stimulate the growth of new hair.

b. The “Against hair loss” complex (shampoo, lotion and conditioner) is designed to prevent hair loss, thinning hair and hair loss itself.

11. Complex of phyto-products for hair restoration and growth Rene Furterer

Rene Furterer herbal products for hair care and treatment based on natural essential oils and herbs.

a. Astera Fresh Soothing – a soothing and refreshing concentrate for sensitive scalp with cooling oils based on Astera extract.

b. Complex 5 – concentrate with warming oils (orange and lavender) for nourishing and stimulating care.

Фото: Triphasic Stimulatong Shampoo и Triphasic Тexturizing Detangling Conditioner

in. Triphasic Stimulatong Shampoo – stimulating shampoo against hair loss with Pfaffia extract, ATP and essential oils.

Triphasic Texturizing Detangling Conditioner – stimulating conditioner for the scalp against thinning hair with Pfaffia extract, ATP and wheat proteins.

Photo: Triphasic Progressive Ampoules

d. Triphasic Progressive –  ampoules with the Biotrinin complex, Pfaffia extract, pumpkin and orange essential oil against gradual hair loss and its precursor – thinning of hair, which are caused by vascular and hormonal factors.

12. Preparations for the treatment of hair and scalp GZ Laboratories Satura line

Satura products are designed to combat hair loss, baldness, dandruff, itching and other scalp problems.

a. Satura Extra Mix lotion for strengthening roots, restoring hair structure and renewing hair growth;

b. Satura Pro Lotion – to stop hair loss, normalize metabolic processes in the cells of hair follicles and restore hair structure.

in. Satura Rosta balm is a preparation for hair restoration. With prolonged use, it is able to restore hair at any stage of hair loss. 

g. Satura Professional Complex – hair strengthening products consisting of concentrated formulas of the lotion Satura registeredPro Concentrated formula and the balm Satura registeredRosta Concentrated formula with an increased content of active ingredients.

13. Crescina Re-Growth line of products

The Crescina Re-Growth line of products is designed to prevent hair loss. To solve problems such as thinning and sparse hair, as well as to treat various forms of alopecia in men and women.

The ampoules have different dosages depending on the severity of the problem:

  • Dosage 500 : treatment of hair loss and thinning;
  • Dosage 1300: treatment of severe hair loss and thinning, treatment of alopecia;
  • Dosage 1900: severe chronic treatment of hair loss and thinning, emerging baldness;
  • Dosage 2100: Treatment of severe and prolonged hair loss, significant hair thinning, baldness/extended baldness.
  • Antiseborrheic drugs
    As I mentioned above, thinning hair at the roots can be a sign of seborrhea and seborrheic dermatitis.
    External components of seborrhea treatment include:
    Keratolytic agents (scalp peels) combat thickening of the stratum corneum and flaking. These are organic and inorganic acids;
    Sebocorrectors are used to reduce oily shine, eliminate seborrhea and increased dryness of the scalp;
    The antifungal component can be included in the peeling, as well as in the shampoo or lotion in the “post-care” (leave-in ampoule);
    Anti-inflammatory components  are usually present in care lines.
    1. Anti-seborrheic deep cleansing 
    DSD de Luxe .

    The action of these products is based on the sebum-regulating and cleansing properties of the phytocomplexes included in the composition.
    Photo: Anti-seborrheic deep cleansing DSD de Luxea. Antiseborrheic shampoo Dixidox de Luxe antiseborrheic shampoo 1.1;
    b. Peeling Dixidox de Luxe peeling 1.3;
    c. Antiseborrheic lotion Dixidox de Luxe antiseborrheic lotion 1.4.

    2. Antiseborrheic complex of preparations Med Planta Dsd de Luxe
    Antiseborrheic preparations Med-Planta contain effective biologically active substances to combat dermatoses, seborrhea of ​​various forms and types.
    Med-Plant contains keratin, zinc, salicylic acid, and climbazole.
    Photo: Antiseborrheic complex of preparations Med Planta Dsd de Luxea. Anti-seborrheic shampoo Med Planta Regulatory Shampoo;
    b. Antiseborrheic mask Med Planta Regulatory Mask;
    in. Antiseborrheic hair tonic Med Planta Regulatory Tonic.
    3. Antiseborrheic products Mediket
    Photo: Antiseborrheic products Mediket

3. Complex solution kit Gel + Shampoo Kudzitol

The set includes the Kudzitol gel and shampoo based on Kudzyu extract, designed to comprehensively solve problems associated with seborrhea, as well as thinning hair and hair loss due to seborrhea.

Photo: Complex solution set gel + shampoo Kudzitol

Peptide-containing drugs

The introduction of the peptide promotes the restoration and normal functioning of cellular interactions, as well as the balance of the ratio between hair follicles at different stages.

1. Peptide complex – oxygen emulsion Perfleor “PRO2”.

Photo: Peptide complex - oxygen emulsion Perfleor PRO2

2. Peptide series of Selencin products

 The Selencin series registeredconsists of a spray, lotion, shampoo, conditioner and hair mask.



Hair restoration with these products includes 2 stages:

Stage 1 – consists of suppressing the activity of 5-alpha-reductase and activating the vascular cell growth factor.

Stage 2 – involves stimulating hair growth by enhancing microcirculation of the hair follicle.

3. Pelo Baum – a patented line of products against hair loss and for hair growth based on peptides from the Caregen brand

Pelo Baum Complex:

  • prevents hair loss;
  • stimulates their growth;
  • restores hair structure,
  • prevents dryness and thinning of hair;
  • regulates the production of melanin, which helps combat hair depigmentation.
Фото: Pelo Baum Hair Revitalizing Shampoo и Pelo Baum Hair Revitalizing Solution

a. Pelo Baum Hair Revitalizing Shampoo restores problem hair and accelerates its growth. It is recommended for use in cases of intense hair loss, for all types of alopecia except cicatricial, for dry and thinning hair at the roots.

b. Pelo Baum Hair Revitalizing Solution – hair growth activator lotion. Awakens dormant hair follicles, reduces hair loss, enhances blood microcirculation, thereby accelerating the appearance of new hair. Does not contain minoxidil. Contains: peptides, antiandrogens, saw palmetto extract.

Minoxidil and minoxidil-containing products

These drugs are testosterone conversion blockers. These drugs should be taken only under the supervision of a doctor .  These drugs include: minoxidil and minoxidil-containing drugs.

1. Minoxidil

Minoxidil (solution, spray and foam) – has a vasodilating and stimulating effect, slows down and stops their loss. Effective and safe minoxidil solutions in concentrations of 2% and 5%. Alopecia remedies based on it are considered the best and most effective.

Photo: Minoxidil

2. Means based on minoxidil

Lotions Azelomax (Azelomax) and Azelofein (Azelofein) – a remedy for hair loss in severe and moderate (hair becomes thin, thinning is noticeable) stages of androgenic alopecia in men, as well as moderate and mild androgenic hair loss in women based on minoxidil.

Hair restoration procedures at home

With the right approach, some salon procedures, such as:  Darsonvalization, scalp massage, neck and collar zone, scalp peeling can be performed at home.

Techniques and types of massage that you can do yourself

People who are experiencing thinning hair are advised to learn scalp massage , which can be done at home.

Scalp massage is a means of activating hair growth, preventing thinning and loss. Direct impact on the skin and muscles relieves tension and increases blood circulation, stimulates hair follicles, which promotes intensive nutrition of hair follicles, regulation of sebum secretion.

Photo: Massage technique scalp massage

There are several types of head massage:

  1. Darsonvalem massage (darsonvalization);
  2. Classic manual;
  3. Massage along partings;
  4. Acupressure massage;
  5. Massage with a comb or a special brush;
  6. Massage with a goosebump massager;
  7. Massage in the shower with a massage brush;

Contraindications to massage .Scalp massage can be done only in the absence of:

heavy_check_markinflammatory diseases;

heavy_check_markdiseases of the circulatory system;
heavy_check_markincreased intracranial pressure;
heavy_check_markwounds and injuries to the epidermis;
heavy_check_markhypertension of 2-3 degrees;

heavy_check_markfungal diseases of the scalp;
heavy_check_markhigh temperature.

Classic manual

Scalp massage can be done at home, provided that 4 conditions are met:

heavy_check_markNo contraindications to massage;
heavy_check_markHands should be clean and nails trimmed;
heavy_check_markHands should be warm, as cold can provoke muscle tension;
heavy_check_markThe massage procedure should be no earlier than 1-2 hours after eating.  

Photo: Biologically active points

Massage of the scalp includes impact on the following biologically active points:

Biologically active points:

  1. Frontal zone;
  2. Horizontal line of the back of the head;
  3. Lateral line of the occiput;
  4. Arch behind the ear;
  5. Temporolateral zone;
  6. Lower border of the temple line;
  7. Hairline at the temple;
  8. Frontal arch;
  9. Fronto-parietal zone;
  10. Crown;
  11. Occipital area;

A course of head massage includes 15-20 sessions, which should be performed daily or every other day for no more than 10 minutes. 

Technique of the classic head massage procedure:

During self-massage, you need to control your breathing; it should be even. 

Photo: Technique of the classic head massage procedure
  1. Lean your bent right elbow on the table. Raise your left hand behind your head, supporting it with your right hand. Stroking your head with a straight palm from the back of your head down your neck, moving to your shoulder. Increase the pressure after 5 strokes. Keep your head on the opposite side. Change hands. 
  2. Perform rotational (spiral) massaging movements with your fingertips in these directions. Try not to move the skin. 
  3. Perform deep forward-backward movements with both hands, pressing on the crown of the head with the pads of the fingers.
  4. Using massaging movements , move from the outer corners of the eyes to the back of the head and down to the neck. Try to lower your palms as low as possible. 
  5. Behind the ear, from top to bottom in a circle of up to 5 centimeters, use the pads of 4 fingers to perform stroking movements and then immediately perform circular rubbing, making small rotational movements. 
  6. Knead  the occipital region with your fingertips and then rub with rotational movements. You can use a spiral massage. Your fingers should slide from the crown along the back of the head to the neck and back.   
  7. Using the fingertips of both hands, make  vertical movements across the forehead toward the hairline, starting from the bridge of the nose. Finish the movements with circular movements of the fingers.
  8. Using both palms, stroke from the middle of the forehead to the temples in a horizontal direction, then make circular movements in the same directions. 
  9. Using the pads of your middle fingers, lightly touching, stroke under the eyes from the outer to the inner corner. Then place your index and middle fingers under and above the eyebrow, and return to the outer corner of the eye. Your fingers should slide without displacing the skin.
  10. Place your fingers on the top of your head and rub them down and up towards your ears and neck with short, straight movements . Then make circular rubbing movements in the same direction. 

To finish  , perform light combing, palmar stroking , circular movements without pressing. 

To enhance the effect of the massage, it can be performed with oils, stimulating lotions and tonics to enhance their effect.


In case of progressive thinning of hair, acupressure is suitable. Because with the acupressure technique, the scalp is shifted relative to the bones of the skull, and not rubbed, as in classical massage, which can be traumatic with the risk of hair loss.

Unlike rubbing, kneading movements should be slower, directed deeper into the tissues with displacement of the scalp. 

It is recommended to make 15 to 20 circular sliding movements at each point.

Photo: Acupressure head massage

Head acupressure massage technique:

  1. The first points are located in the area of ​​the frontal tubercles (the protruding parts of the frontal bones on the border of the hairy part and smooth skin). Firmly apply the fingers of both hands simultaneously to the area of ​​the frontal tubercles (1) and massage with circular sliding movements. (The same actions are performed for the following points) 
  2. Next, you need to place your fingers on the border of the hair in the temple area ;
  3. Dots behind the ears at the most prominent point;
  4. Occipital region;
  5. Crown;
  6. Move to the area between the crown and the forehead .

The total number of procedures is 10-15, every day or every other day.

Massage along partings

For more thorough treatment of hair areas, it is worth using the parting massage method. This type of massage involves dividing the hair into partings and massaging each parting separately.

Massage with skin exposure can also be performed for dry seborrhea. 

Massage technique:

Photo: Technique of performing massage with scalp exposure
  1. Comb the first parting in a longitudinal direction from the middle of the hair edge of the forehead to the back of the head.
  2. Next, place the tips of four fingers in the parting area so that they touch each other and lightly massage the parting area 3-4 times. The purpose of stroking is to initially increase blood flow to the hair roots. 
  3. The next step is to perform  deep rubbing (semi-circular or zigzag) and vibration – finger puncturing , alternately applying short and fast point movements. This gives even greater activation of the skin’s nerve endings, crushing of sebaceous gland deposits and cleansing of the skin from horny scales. 
  4. Next , knead – press, shift – stretch along the parting . This stage is performed with the thumbs of both hands, pressing on the skin and shifting it. Shifting should be combined with stretching. The above stages should be alternated with stroking the parting. 
  5. Comb the next parting in the longitudinal direction parallel to the first at a distance of 2-3 cm and perform the same actions. 
  6. Using the same pattern, perform a massage in the transverse direction of the head diameter.

The duration of action on each section is 1-2 minutes. The course is 12-15 procedures, every other day.

After massaging the scalp, it is recommended to massage the neck and collar area.

Impact on the cervical-collar zone

Massage of the neck and collar zone will improve blood supply to the head, as there are large blood vessels and lymph nodes in the neck area. The massage is performed in circular movements up and down with moderate pressure.

During the massage of the neck and collar zone, the following muscles should be worked:

  1. Deltoid muscle and shoulder joint;
  2. Upper trapezius region;
  3. Soft tissues around the cervical vertebrae;
  4. Fixation points of the neck to the skull.

Technique of massage of the neck and collar zone:

Photo: Massage of the neck and shoulder area
  • The massage procedure should begin with stroking. This is the introductory stage, which affects the superficial tissues and activates capillary blood flow. When performing this stage, it is important that the skin does not move during the action.
  • The next step is rubbing , which warms up the muscles, increases blood flow and prepares them for the next stage.
  • Next, the main stage of the massage is performed – kneading, grasping and squeezing the following areas: the back of the neck from the back of the head to the shoulder joints and the trapezius muscle of the shoulders.
Photo: Technique of massage of the neck and collar zone

The goal is to relax these muscles , because they are almost always tense.

  • The movements are performed from top to bottom simultaneously with both hands on the sides of the neck in turn, so that the other hand holds the neck on the opposite side. In the same way, perform movements from the collarbone area up the side of the neck to the jaw. 
  • At the end of the procedure, you need to gently tap with your fingertips over the entire neck and collar area.

The massage lasts about 5 minutes.

Inversion method

The inversion method is a self-massage technique that is performed upside down. For convenience, you can lie down on a sofa and hang your head off it.

The head should be below the level of the heart. This will ensure an intensive flow of blood to the scalp.

Photo: Inversion Method

The effectiveness of massage is associated with increased blood flow to the scalp, leading to improved blood supply to the hair follicles and their saturation with oxygen.

Massage by the inversion method can be performed with additional stimulating agents and oils, which should be slightly warmed up in a water bath. The course of inversion massage should be performed for 7 days. During this time, massage with oil is recommended to be performed no more than twice. On other days, perform massage without using oils. Massage can be done simply with fingers or using a massager, brush.

Massage your scalp lightly with your fingertips. Make circular movements, first clockwise, then counterclockwise. 

The procedure time should not exceed 5 minutes.

Massaging your scalp while taking a shower

To avoid frequent greasiness of hair at the roots from the dry massage method, you can massage while washing your hair . During the massage, you can use a special silicone brush that gently exfoliates the scalp and stimulates blood circulation.

Photo: Massage with a silicone brush while washing your hair

The massage should be performed using small circular movements and also using pressure from the fingertips. 

  1. You should start massaging from the edge of the scalp from the forehead , gradually moving across the entire area of ​​the head to the back of the head.
  2. The “combing” movements of the brush should be soft and smooth; too much pressure is not recommended.
  3. The brush should glide and not get tangled in the hair.
  4. Next, you need to perform circular movements , you will feel a rush of blood, combined with a pleasant, relaxing sensation. 


The darsonvalization procedure has proven itself in the fight against the problem of thinning and receding hair.

Photo: Darsonvalization procedure

The darsonvalization method (exposure of the skin to high-frequency current) consists of:

  • stimulation of blood circulation and lymph flow;
  • vasodilation ;
  • acceleration of metabolism in cells;
  • reduction of sebum secretion;
  • destruction of pathogenic flora.

How to perform the darsonvalization procedure:

  1. The darsonvalization procedure should be performed on clean hair;
  2. Hair should be well combed;
  3. You can apply a healing agent to the partings;
  4. If you have short hair, use the comb attachment against the direction of hair growth; if your hair is long, move it in the direction from the forehead and temples to the crown, then to the back of the head;
  5. In case of thinning hair , hair loss and hair loss, you need to use a stimulating method (contact) – in this case, the attachment needs to be pressed tightly to the scalp;
  6. For abscesses  and as a disinfecting procedure, the nozzle should be held at a distance of several millimeters (spark method).

The procedure lasts 10-15 minutes, the course lasts 20-25 procedures. It is recommended to perform it every other day.

Massaging the scalp while combing

You can also massage using a comb. 

Photo: Massage with a comb

The following types of combs  are suitable for this massage :

  • wooden comb with wide teeth;
  • natural bristle brush;
  • combination brush. 

For thin and weakened hair, it is recommended to massage with a natural bristle brush or a combination massage brush with flexible teeth.

This massage option is suitable for thin and weakened hair, as it makes it easier to maintain the force of impact on the epidermis. 

Massage technique using a comb:

  1. It is necessary to comb your hair beforehand ;
  2. Using soft, smooth zigzag movements , massage the scalp from the temporal area through the crown to the back of the head . 
  3. Perform a massage from the forehead to the back of the head . The movements should be without strong pressure.
  4. Tilt your head down and  comb your hair from the back of your head to the top.
  5. Tilt your head to the left and comb your hair from the right temple to the left . Repeat these movements on the right side.
  6. Finish the massage  by combing the hair from the forehead to the back of the head. 

In case of thick, wavy hair, a wooden comb with blunt-tipped teeth is suitable for this type of massage. 

The duration of the comb massage is 5-10 minutes.

Laser comb

The laser comb is a compact physiotherapeutic device designed for laser therapy. It is an analogue of lasers used in clinics to treat the problem of thinning and hair loss.

Photo: Laser combs

In addition to laser combs, there are also:

  • Laser helmet;
  • Laser hoop.
Photo: Laser hoop and laser helmet

Both devices have the same operating principle.

Laser combs have 2 types of radiation that affect the scalp:

  1. Blue radiation – for working on the outer layers of the hair follicle;
  2. Red radiation – for penetration into the deep layers and direct impact inside the follicle. 

These combs create vibrations, which further improves blood flow to the scalp.

And the energy of laser light:

  • penetrates into the layers of the epidermis;
  • activates metabolic processes in cells;
  • accelerates protein synthesis and metabolic processes inside the bulb, which helps to strengthen it.

Using a laser hair comb is effective for both women and men. This comb is recommended for use in:

  •  Hair loss in different stages, with thinning hair and extensive alopecia;
  • Slow hair growth;
  • Problematic scalp prone to dryness, oiliness, dandruff;
  • Oily and dry seborrhea.

Method of using laser light comb:

  1. For better gliding of the comb through the hair, it is recommended to comb the hair;
  2. Before using the comb, you can rub a stimulating agent into the scalp ;
  3. Turn on the comb and start moving it over your head – from the forehead through the crown to the back of the head, holding for 2-3 seconds on each section.

The procedure lasts no more than 15 minutes, 2-3 times a week. 

With the help of Murashka – anti-stress (Shiatsu fingers)

In addition to classic massage and massage with a comb, you can improve blood flow with the Murashki anti-stress massager. 

Murashka – anti-stress (Shiatsu fingers) is a capillary massager for the scalp, which uses the technique of simultaneous sliding of the tips to massage the nerve endings of the scalp.

As a result of this effect, microcirculation accelerates, capillary blood flow increases, and cells are saturated with active oxygen.

Massage technique with the Murashka-antistress massager:

Photo: Massage technique with the Murashka-antistress massager
  1. Holding the handle of the massager, make smooth, light movements from the top of the head, covering the entire head, from top to bottom and from front to back across the entire head.
  2. You can also use circular and zigzag movements.
  3. During the procedure, you need to press on the massager handle or lift it up. 

The massage duration is 3-5 minutes every day. 

Scalp peeling at home 

Another procedure that you can do yourself to restore your hair is scalp peeling .

Excess dead skin cells, sebum, environmental pollutants, microorganisms, residues of styling products – all this can cause itching, dandruff, clogged openings and inflammation around the hair follicle, irritation, blockage of access to nutrients, which can lead to various scalp problems, disruption of the hair follicles and, as a result, poor growth and weakening of hair. 


  • improve the reactivity of the skin barrier;
  • promote increased penetration of medicinal substances;
  • have an irritating effect, which is useful for alopecia.

Sometimes shampoo alone is not enough to thoroughly cleanse the scalp, so scalp peeling is sometimes necessary.

Peeling application procedure:

Photo: Peeling procedure:

Peeling will help remove dead cells from the skin surface, enhance microcirculation, and stimulate hair follicles.

Salon treatments and various types of deep acting therapy

To solve the problem of thinning hair at the roots, there are salon physiotherapy and injection procedures that act directly on the hair follicle.

1. Mesotherapy

One of the most popular and suggested procedures for the scalp is mesotherapy. 

Mesotherapy is an injection into the scalp of a mesotherapy cocktail, individually composed depending on the problem, based on hyaluronic acid, amino acids, vitamin complexes, etc.

The basis of the procedure: the effect of the mesococktail on the middle layer of the scalp (mesoderm). During the injection, the active substances stimulate the hair follicles to more actively restore the hair structure. The mesotherapy procedure helps to increase blood circulation and strengthen the hair follicles.

1.1 Electroporation 

This technology is based on non-injection mesotherapy, which involves the application of low-voltage currents to the scalp.

Active components of the nutritional mixture applied during the procedures penetrate into the hair follicles, strengthen and nourish them, regenerate tissues, improve blood microcirculation, and increase the hair growth phase. The electroporation procedure is especially suitable for improving the health of dry and thin hair.

2. Plasma therapy (PRP therapy )

The essence of the method consists of introducing plasma from the patient’s own blood, enriched with platelets, into the scalp. Blood is taken from a vein into a special test tube, where platelets are separated from other cells.

Photo: Plasma therapy (PRP therapy) of the scalp

The number of separated platelets directly affects the effectiveness of the procedure.

The basis of the procedure is the growth factors contained in platelets, since they have a powerful stimulating effect on the cells of the scalp and hair follicle.

This method helps improve blood microcirculation, thereby stimulating hair growth and cell division. It involves injecting plasma into problem areas of the scalp. The advantage of the plasma therapy method is the use of one’s own blood in the complete absence of foreign impurities, which eliminates harm and allergic reactions. 

3. Ozone therapy

Ozone in the body is converted into an active form of oxygen, which has a healing effect.

The ozone injection procedure is carried out in 2 ways:

  1. Microinjection method – introduction of a gaseous ozone-oxygen mixture under the skin;
  2. Saturation of the scalp with ozone through a plastic cap.

The effect of ozone therapy is manifested in improved blood flow in the scalp, enrichment with oxygen, stimulation of new hair growth, suppression of pathogenic flora growth, anti-inflammatory action (especially important for alopecia).

Treatment is prescribed according to the following indications:

  • slow hair growth;
  • thinning of hair closer to the roots;
  • alopecia;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • dandruff;

The ozone therapy procedure is used not only to combat existing problems, but also to prevent hair loss, eliminate dullness and brittleness.

4. Laser therapy

The use of low-intensity laser therapy (LILT) for hair helps to improve the health of hair follicles and normalize blood flow, promotes the healing of inflammation on the scalp, and increases the elasticity of the skin around the hair follicles. 

Photo: Laser therapy

The effectiveness of the laser therapy method is based on the action of a low-frequency beam, which, pulsating, affects the molecules of the scalp, helps to increase the elasticity of the skin around the hair follicles. Stimulates and restores hair growth

 4.1 .  Hydrolaser shower

This procedure combines the effects of laser therapy and hydrotherapy.

In a hydrolaser shower, water at body temperature is supplied in combination with laser radiation. Thus, laser irradiation of the red spectrum of radiation is effectively combined with hydromassage, allows you to cleanse and open sweat glands, improve blood circulation in the scalp.

The use of a hydrolaser shower is effective in the following cases:

  • presence of dandruff;
  • seborrhea;
  • insufficiently fast hair growth.

The procedure is absolutely painless and safe.

5. Cryomassage of the head

Cryomassage is a head massage using liquid nitrogen.

The principle of this type of massage is based on the spasm of blood vessels due to a sudden drop in temperature and their subsequent expansion, resulting in increased blood flow.

This procedure stimulates blood circulation, activates metabolic processes in the scalp, thereby nourishing hair follicles and accelerating hair growth. Cryomassage also has anti-inflammatory and exfoliating effects.

Cryomassage procedure indicated for:

  • seborrhea;
  • thinning;
  • dry hair;
  • initial stages of alopecia;
  • dandruff.

Cryomassage is a non-traumatic procedure. The probability of skin damage during cryomassage is absolutely excluded.

6. Carboxytherapy

Carboxytherapy is a procedure of introducing medical carbon dioxide into the scalp. With its help, hair follicles are saturated with oxygen and essential microelements, local blood flow, cell metabolism and collagen synthesis are activated.

6.1. Gas-liquid peeling

The procedure involves non-contact exposure to compressed carbon dioxide, oxygen and a medicinal solution, using a jet of air supplied under high pressure.

Photo: Gas-liquid peeling

High speed stream:

  • exfoliates;
  • deeply cleanses the scalp;
  • creates a massage effect;
  • saturates with useful substances;
  • activates hair growth;
  • eliminates skin inflammations. 

The procedure is an alternative to chemical peeling and is similar in effect to non-injection mesotherapy, when the active substances penetrate into the deep layers of the skin.

7. Thermosauna for hair

The cleansing properties of steam are used to improve the condition of the scalp and hair. Hair steaming is a gentle method of restoring the scalp and hair from root to tip.

Under the influence of warm steam:

  • the hair scales open;
  • hair begins to actively accept the components of medicinal masks and balms;
  • hair is saturated with moisture.

At the end of the procedure, the hair scales close and retain the accumulated useful components. Also, the effect of steam opens the pores of the scalp, activating the work of blood vessels.

Thermosauna is prescribed for restorative treatment of thin hair, dry scalp, a number of trichological diseases and as a preventive measure. This procedure is recommended for any type of hair . When using the thermosauna procedure, the possibility of getting a scalp burn is completely excluded.

8. Scalp massage

Improving the nutrition of hair roots stimulates their growth, and thus prevents hair loss and baldness. In addition, massage improves blood circulation and lymph flow in this area.

Photo: Scalp massage in a salon

The salons offer several types of massage, including:

  1. Classic. It is performed with massaging circular movements, rubbing in the areas behind the ears, in the temple area and throughout the hairy area. The massage is done with the fingertips. The movements are light, circular, without excessive pressure, to avoid muscle and vascular spasm.
  2. Indian. Performed with energetic movements to actively increase blood circulation. 
  3. Thai. To relax the muscles of the collar zone, neck. The massage is carried out by influencing biologically active points, which leads to improved blood flow and muscle relaxation. The procedure begins with stroking and ends with rhythmic strokes.

Sercan Can is a 22-year-old young adult living in Turkey. His life is shaped by his interest in the medical field and his passion for haircare. Sercan is considering embarking on a career in the medical field, aiming to specialize in healthcare. His desire to understand and address health-related issues guides him toward the medical field. However, haircare has become one of Sercan's personal interests. He places great importance on the health of his hair and aspires to have long and healthy locks. Being knowledgeable about haircare products, hair masks, and hair growth techniques occupies a significant place in Sercan's beauty routine. Sercan is exploring opportunities to combine his future medical career with his interests in hair health and beauty. By integrating his medical knowledge with haircare, he aims to help people achieve the best in both health and beauty aspects.

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