Beauty diet

5 ways to maintain healthy eating habits when you work from home

Do you have your fingers back in the biscuit tin before you realize what you’re actually doing? Many of our daily actions are performed automatically, as if our brains are on autopilot or have been programmed to perform repetitive actions without a second thought.

These are habits. The more often you perform these habits, the more ingrained in our brain these actions become. This can also mean that healthy eating habits can easily become something that you just do.

When we disrupt our daily pattern and remove the usual environment, we can become confused and lose the habits we have created. Healthy habits or not. We know that working from home is especially hard – it’s just too close to the fridge.

It can be difficult to maintain healthy eating habits when we work from the kitchen table or the sofa. However, there is no need to panic about losing dedication to your healthy eating habits. Here are some of our top tips for keeping track of your diet when you work from home.

1. Get an overview of the healthy eating habits with a meal plan


Før du tænker, ​​at dette er den skøreste idé, du nogensinde har hørt om (hvem vil vide, hvad de har lyst til at spise om fem dage?), så spids ører alligevel. Bortset fra at spare dig penge ved at købe unødvendig mad, hjælper en madplan med at bringe normalitet i dit liv, da du kan organisere din mad, som hvordan du normalt spiser på kontoret.

Do you usually open the cake tin at 11 at your colleague’s desk? Plan a morning snack at 11. If you find yourself wandering to the cafeteria for a mid-afternoon coffee, plan an afternoon latte into your daily meal plan.

It doesn’t have to be so fixed with what you eat, when you eat it and how much you eat. If you think it will be too much pressure among all the other daily life changes when you work from home, just make a note of a few meals that fit your diet and then pick one from this list when it going to cook. You might consider writing something as simple as ‘morning snack’ and listing a few healthy snack options to choose from rather than listing the specific food item.

2. Keep healthy snacks within reach

Healthy eating habits

Being out of the usual 9-5 routine can lead to stress or boredom eating. A completely normal and human trait! When the munchies hit, we generally want something simple to fall back on. If you know you’ll lean toward sugary foods outside of your diet when you work from home, place the foods you’re trying to moderate or avoid out of reach or out of sight. It may even help to give them to a family member to keep for safekeeping, or keep it in the garage or another room that you don’t get access to often. You know the motto: out of sight, out of mind.

3. Prepare your snacks for healthy eating habits

healthy eating habits

It’s easy to say that we need to keep healthy snacks in sight and unhealthy snacks out of sight, but when our ideal snacks take time to prepare as opposed to the ease of opening a candy bag, it can be difficult to stick to to and commit to. To keep healthy snacking simple, prepare some of your favorite snacks ahead of time that fit your dietary goals.

Preparing your snacks before you need them is also a good way to use your food proactively. Aside from knowing exactly what should be in your snacks and being able to change the nutritional content to suit your own goals, you can bulk prepare food and store in the freezer for later use to save time in the future.

4. Motivational quotes to maintain the healthy eating habits

Quotes, images or moments that inspire you to stay on track or make you stop and think serve as great reminders to keep working towards your goals. Working from home means you get extra time in the day as your daily commute to work is drastically reduced.

Use some of this time to get creative and collect a selection of motivational posters to strategically decorate around the house; whether it’s the fridge or freezer, a specific food cupboard, around your work area or even next to your bed to focus on from the moment you start your day.

5. Eat away from your desk

Regardless of where you have created a workspace in your home, eating away from your desk is a good trick to stay on track with your diet. This is even more important when it comes to working from home, as there is limited separation between the workplace and rest time.

Eating should be considered leisure, where you can turn off work and relax. Something we all struggle to do if we’re still surrounded by reminders of our work and the temptation to check that new incoming email alert.

Eating away from your desk also means there are fewer distractions, meaning you can focus on your food. In addition to psychologically making you feel fuller, you can concentrate on what you eat, which means you can focus on the type of food that you are nourishing your body with.

Kort fortalt

Realistisk set vil det at arbejde hjemmefra ikke være det samme som at arbejde fra dine almindelige timer på kontoret, men der er små ting, som vi kan gøre for at reducere sandsynligheden for at tage et skridt tilbage, når det kommer til vores kost. Disse tips vil ikke kun hjælpe dig med at holde dig i balance med dine kostmål, men giver også mulighed for oprettelse af nye sunde kostvaner, som vil gavne dig i det lange løb. Husk at være sød mod dig selv – dette er hårde justeringer, som vi alle gør, og at holde dig lykkelig og sund er vigtigst.

Sercan Can is a 22-year-old young adult living in Turkey. His life is shaped by his interest in the medical field and his passion for haircare. Sercan is considering embarking on a career in the medical field, aiming to specialize in healthcare. His desire to understand and address health-related issues guides him toward the medical field. However, haircare has become one of Sercan's personal interests. He places great importance on the health of his hair and aspires to have long and healthy locks. Being knowledgeable about haircare products, hair masks, and hair growth techniques occupies a significant place in Sercan's beauty routine. Sercan is exploring opportunities to combine his future medical career with his interests in hair health and beauty. By integrating his medical knowledge with haircare, he aims to help people achieve the best in both health and beauty aspects.

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